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He turned from me in disgust simply because I tried to explain to him that a rogue has as much right to be defended by the law as an honest man." "Runce looks upon these men as vermin which ought to be hunted down." "But they are not vermin. They are men; and till they have been found guilty they are innocent men."

But Glomax declined the bet saying that he did not care a for Jack Runce. He knew as much about pace as any farmer, or for the matter of that any gentleman, in Ufford or Rufford, and the pace for forty minutes had been very good.

Whereupon the Captain begged him to try, and hinted that he did not know the country. In answer to which Hampton offered to bet a five-pound note that young Jack Runce would say that the pace had been slow. Jack was the son of the old farmer whom the Senator had so disgusted, and was supposed to know what he was about on a horse.

Runce is angry with me because I do not think that Goarly should be crushed under the heels of all his neighbours. Take care, my Lord. Didn't we come round that corner rather sharp?"

Gotobed, had been summoned as witnesses, the expenditure of money by the Senator having by this time become notorious; and on the morning of the trial they all went into the town in his Lordship's drag. The Senator, as the guest, was on the box-seat with his Lordship, and as they passed old Runce trotting into Rufford on his nag, Mr.

For this he diligently practised with bow and arrow when alone, or only with Piers, and learnt all the feats of arms that Simon Runce or Giles Spearman could teach him.

To his thinking an animal more injurious than Goarly to the best interests of civilisation could not have been produced by all the evil influences of the world combined. "Do you really think," said the Senator calmly, "that a man should be hanged for killing a fox?" John Runce, who was not very ready, turned round and stared at him.

Runce, almost enraged at the doubt. "But that other fellow; he's to get off. That's what kills me, Sir George." "You're alluding to Mr. Goarly, Sir," said the Senator. "That's about it, certainly," said Runce, still looking very suspiciously at his companion. "I almost think he is the bigger rogue of the two," said the Senator. "Well," said Runce; "well! I don't know as he ain't.

"This I take it," said the Senator looking about him, "is beyond the limits of my Lord's plaything." "This is Shugborough," said Sir George, "and there is John Runce, the occupier, on his pony. He at any rate is a model farmer." As he spoke Mr. Runce slowly trotted up to them touching his hat, and Mr. Gotobed recognized the man who had declined to sit next to him at the hunting breakfast.

Morton, is a very peculiar man." "He is peculiar," said Morton, "and I am sorry to say can make himself very disagreeable." "We might as well trot on as Shugborough is a small place, and a fox always goes away from it at once. John Runce knows how to train them better than I do.