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They went at each other like two bulldogs that have nursed a grudge for a year. "Now, I want to know what it means, Drew. I heard Ruth told me of the little run-in you had with Ditty the day you first met my daughter on the Jones Lane pier," pursued Captain Hamilton. "Ruth was carrying a letter to Captain Peters for me.

Since her "run-in" with the Lockwood twins, as Bobby inelegantly called it, the teacher had been less exacting, although quite as stern-looking as ever. Dora and Dorothy, being cheerful souls, had recovered from their excitement over the incident in history class, and were so much interested in their parts in the play now that they forgot all about Gee Gee's ill treatment.

There had been a coolly quiet evening on the front porch, a telephone from Flora Bankhead, a little run-in visit from her parents, and now at ten o'clock her husband, shirt-sleeved and before the mirror, tugging to unbutton his collar. She did not want that collar off. It brought, rawly, a sense of his possession of her.

Help!" pleaded the Coloradoan of the young man. "He means that I've unloaded this corral full of Texas dinosaurs on him at nineteen a throw." explained Dave. "You've made a good bargain," Beaudry told the buyer. "'Course he has, and he knows it." Dingwell opened on Roy his gay smile. "I hear you've had a run-in with the bad man of Chicito Cañon, son." Roy looked at the Denver man reproachfully.

"It's about that fellow Gaffington. Andy's sorry he had a run-in with him, and I don't blame Andy. He had trouble before, and this will only add to it. And that Gaffington is just mean enough, and small-spirited enough, to make trouble for Andy down there at Yale. He's a sport but one of the tin-horn brand. I don't blame Andy for wishing it had been someone else."

It's your deal, boy!" Vaniman shuffled obediently. "And there was a run-in this morning between your boss and his brother," observed the Squire, scratching a match. "And Eli, here, called my attention to the fact that two sun dogs, strangers to him, were chasing along with the sun all the forenoon. Signs of trouble, boy sure signs!" He sorted his cards.

But I reckon thet little run-in of mine with Smith has made bad feelin'. An' come to think of thet, if I did go back I'd only have to fight some of Smith's friends. An' I reckon I'd better not go. It'd only make trouble for you." "Me! ... You heard me refuse." "Shore I heerd you," drawled Larry, softly, "but you're goin' back if I have to hawg-tie you an' pack you out there on a hoss."

"Believe me something happened good an' plenty." A little frightened look came into his eyes. "I just had a run-in with young Hatton." The red faded from her face and a grey-white mask seemed to slip down over it. "You don't mean Hatton! Not Hatton's son. Ernie, you ain't done " A dash of his street-corner bravado came back to him. "Aw, keep your hair on, Ma.

"No Creek" Lee came into the trading-post on the following morning, and found Gale attending store as if nothing unusual had occurred. "Say! What's this about you and Stark? I hear you had a horrible run-in, and that you split him up the back like a quail." "We had a row," admitted the trader. "It's been a long time working out, and last night it came to a head." "Lord-ee!

Do nothing to cross him, for the temper of an Indian is not easily quelled. It just simmers and may break out again at any time." "Believe me," said the fellow, starting off through the bushes, "I ain't aiming to have another run-in with him. Not with my bare hands. I hope he don't smash the boat, that's all."