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"Happy news, Mrs Rumbelow," he exclaimed; "the sergeant is alive and well. I heard of him on board; and I hope in a few days you will see him in New Zealand." "You are a good angel, Mr Dicey, to bring me such tidings," she exclaimed, putting her arms round his neck, and bursting into tears. "My good brave husband!

Peter then ate nearly a handful, acknowledging that, though the flavour was pleasant, they were very acid. "We will mark the spot," said the doctor, "and on our way back carry a load down to Mrs Rumbelow to preserve." "But where is the sugar to come from, doctor?" asked Willy; "we have but a small stock remaining." "Perhaps we may find some on our journey," said the doctor.

The carpenter, who had been sent to sound the well, reported two feet in the hold. "We may keep that under," observed the commander, "if the men do their duty." Mrs Rumbelow was not idle all this time. She had been from the first tending to the other women; but when she found that the men were inclined not to obey orders, she was in their midst in an instant.

Three fires had been lit, round which eager faces were collected, some toasting pieces of seal-flesh on the ends of sticks, others more scientifically roasting them on spits, while Mrs Rumbelow was cooking more of the wild-fowl reserved for the women.

"For the sake of your daughters, marm, do cheer up," said Mrs Rumbelow, who at once came to Harry's assistance. "Though you yourself, marm, would go through any fresh dangers to join the colonel, just think how ill able these young ladies are to bear them," she said, in a gentle, soothing tone.

He double-locked the door, and hardly realizing the danger he had escaped, flung himself on the bunk, panting. Over his head he heard the rapid tramp of feet and the cheery, Yo hi-oh! and a rumbelow! of the men at the capstan. He could smell the sea, and through the open window of the cabin could distinguish the light in the chaplain's house on the hill.

Colonel Morley found out that he had served with Major Shafto, and was very happy to make the acquaintance of his son; and Mrs Twopenny, for Captain Twopenny was married, was acquainted with the Diceys, and took Willy Dicey under her especial patronage. Mrs Rumbelow found out, somehow or other, that she had been nurse in his mother's family, and, of course, Willy became a great pet of hers.

Fires were lighted, and several of the people were busy, under the direction of Mrs Rumbelow, cooking food, while the men were employed in bringing in wood for forming fresh huts. Harry started off a fresh party to assist those already engaged in the work.

All joined heartily; and as the noble lady was seen lifting up her eyes towards heaven, with her hands clasped, no one could doubt that she was indeed speaking to Him who hears and answers prayer. "Now, friends, I am sure that there are many here who can join in a hymn to our merciful Father and Friend," exclaimed Mrs Rumbelow.

My friends," he said aloud, "we know not what may happen this night; and I trust all will join in asking God to look after us, and in returning thanks to Him in having preserved us thus far." "That they will, sir!" exclaimed Mrs Rumbelow; "and I am sure, too, that all will pray heartily that those we left on board the ship may be preserved likewise."