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Haud yer hert quaiet, Cosmo; ye'll hae need o' a' yer breath afore ye win to yer ain fireside." As she spoke, the wind pounced upon them with a fiercer gust than any that had preceded. Instinctively they grasped each other, as if from the wish, if they should be blown away, to be blown away together. "Eh, that's a rouch ane!" said Cosmo, and again Aggie laughed merrily.

"Aggie," said Cosmo, as soon as there was no one within hearing, "I dinna like that chield hingin' aboot ye glowerin' at ye as gien he wad ate ye." "He winna du that, Cosmo; he's ceevil eneuch." "Ye sud hae seen sae rouch as he was to Grizzie!" "Grizzie's some rouch hersel' whiles," remarked Aggie quietly. "That's ower true," assented Cosmo; "but a man sud never behave like that til a wuman."

An' oot o' the mids o' the bog there grew jist ae tree a saugh, I think it was, but unco auld 'maist past kennin' wi' age; an' roun' the rouch gnerlet trunk o' 't was twistit three faulds o' the oogliest, ill-fauredest cratur o' a serpent 'at ever was seen.

An' for this broo, I wad clear awa the lowse stanes, an' lat the nait'ral gerse grow sweet an' fine, an' turn a lot o' bonny heelan' sheep on till't. I wad keep yon ae bit o' whuns, for though they're rouch i' the leaf; they blaw sae gowden.

"Some fowk says the auld man's name's no MacPhail, an' he maun hae come here in hidin' for some rouch job or ither 'at he's been mixed up wi'. "I s' believe nae ill o' sic a puir, hairmless body. Fowk 'at maks their ain livin', wantin' the een to guide them, canna be that far aff the straucht. "I was but tellin' ye what fowk telled me," returned the younger woman.

Tak haud o' her as gin she war a leevin' crater. Ye maun jist straik her canny, an' wile the music oot o' her; for she's like ither women: gin ye be rouch wi' her, ye winna get a word oot o' her. An' dinna han'le her that gait. She canna bide to be contred an' pu'd this gait and that gait. Come to me, my bonny leddy.

They playt cairts thegither, they drank thegither, they drave oot thegither for the auld captain never crossed beast's back an' what made sic frien's o' them nobody could imaigine. For the tane was a rouch sailor chield, an' the tither was a yoong lad, little mair, an' a fine gentleman as weel's a bonny man.

Rouch wark maks the han's rouch, and rouch words maks the hert rouch." "The haill country-side 'ill be gratefu' to ye, Aggie. Ye'll lat me come an' see ye whiles?" "Nane sae welcome," answered Aggie. "But wull ye be bidin' on, noo 'at ye haena him 'at's gane? Winna ye be gaein' awa', to write buiks, an' gar fowk fin' oot what's the maitter wi' them?"

"Hoot, mem! there's the minister at yer elbuck." "I tell ye, ye're but a wheen rouch men fowk! There's no a wuman amon' ye to haud things dacent, 'cep I gang mysel'. I'm no beggin' the minister's pardon ather. I'll gang. I maun see my puir Grizel till her last bed."

"No, my lord: I said she had keys, but whether she had the key, I doobt if she kent hersel'. It may ha' been ane o' the bundle yet to try." "You're a sharp fellow," said the marquis. "I wish I had such a servant about me." "I wad mak a some rouch ane, I doobt," returned Malcolm, laughing. His lordship was of another mind, but pursued the subject no farther.