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The wheel rotates horizontally, evenly with the floor or ground. The merrymakers pay their nickels for the privilege of throwing themselves flat down on the wheel and attempting to cling to it while it rotates with increasing swiftness.

Around this firm pivot the child's head rotates upward, and, as a result of the movement, forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, and chin successively emerge from the birth-canal. Following the birth of the head, natural forces turn the body upon one side, the better to accommodate the shoulders to the passageway.

"The magnetic poles are not at the poles of the rotation of the earth, but hundreds of miles away, to one side of the poles on which the earth rotates; but they are near enough to the real poles, for all purposes, so that the needle points to what we call the north pole of the earth. Any magnetized body must have these two opposite poles.

It must be noticed that the influence of the tidal friction is not directed to the total annihilation of the rotation of the two bodies affected by it; the velocity is only checked down until it attains such a point that the speed in which each body rotates upon its axis has become equal to that in which it revolves around the tide-producer.

An angularly-bent piece of wire A, provided with loops B, B, at the ends, serve as bearings for the handle of the umbrella. At the bend of the wire loop C, the cord D is attached. The lower side of the umbrella top has cup-shaped pockets E, near the margin, so arranged that their open ends project in the same direction, and the wind catching them rotates the circular plane. Rotable Umbrella Kite.

The other supposition would be, that it is the stupendous celestial sphere which remains stationary, while the earth at the centre rotates about the same axis as the celestial sphere did before, but in an opposite direction, and with a uniform velocity which would enable it to complete one turn in twenty-four hours.

As the reel rotates, the yarn from these 24 bobbins is wound round, say, 6 in. apart, and when the reel has made 120 revolutions, or 120 threads at each place from each bobbin, there will be 24 separate cuts of yarn on the reel.

It will be seen that by drawing a line forming a tangent to the circle GHJ at F and another at E, and producing these, they will meet at point K. Consequently, as the side shaft rotates in the direction indicated, the lever L will begin to open the valve V when the cam is in the position shown in fig. 29, reach a maximum opening at K, and finally close when the cam has moved so that point E is now where F was.

Given good conditions, a lot of fun can be got out of the rings by shooting one through another which has expanded somewhat, or by destroying one by striking it with another, or by extinguishing a candle set up at a distance, and so on. The experimenter should notice how a vortex ring rotates in itself while moving forward, like a rubber ring being rolled along a stick.

Even the queer little moon of Mars, which runs round him quicker than he rotates, obeys this same rule. Nine of Saturn's moons follow this example, but one independent little one, which has been named Phoebe, and is far out from the planet, actually revolves in the opposite way.