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He was a man of peace and always had been, in spite of the valiant promise of his tongue. "None of my funeral," he said, his lips white. "I'm hittin' the trail for Malapi right now." He wheeled his horse and jumped it to a gallop. The roan plunged through the chaparral and soon was out of sight. "We'll fix Mr. Miller so he won't make us any trouble during the rookus," Crawford told Dave.

Well, one day he got word of a drive we was makin'. Him an' his deputies laid in wait for us. There was shooting an' my horse got killed. The others escaped, but they nailed me. In the rookus Stuart had got killed. They laid it on me. Mebbe I did it. I was shooting like the rest. Anyhow, I was convicted an' got twenty years in the pen." "Twenty years," June echoed.

We go in and find the old man with a bullet right spang through his forehead. Well, ain't that too bad! In the rookus his own punchers must 'a' gunned him accidental. How would that story listen in court?" "It wouldn't listen good to me. Howcome Crawford to be a prisoner there, I'd want to know."

Did worry knock at the front door Jeff had a way of excusing himself out of the back window. But this dread thing they called a draft was a worry which just opened the door and walked right in and outside the window stood a jealous Government, all organized to start a rookus if anybody so much as stepped sideways.

"What was the rookus last night?" he asked, indifferently. Then, suddenly, his eye fell upon the sorrel that snipped grass at the end of a lariat rope near the picketed black, and he leaped to his feet. "Where'd you get that horse?" he exclaimed sharply. "It's Fatty's! There's the reins he busted when he snorted loose!" Again the half-breed grinned. "A'm bor' dat hoss for com' 'long wit' you.

"We all have decided that ten of us will go back, Joe," he announced serenely. "That leaves enough to loose-herd the beeves whilst we're away." Yankie grew purple with rage. "If you go you'll walk. I'll show you who's foreman here." "No use raisin' a rookus, Joe," replied the old Confederate mildly. "We're goin'. Yore authority doesn't stretch far enough to hold us here."

" `My stepfather, says he, `and some business partners of his in some Mexican mining and land schemes. " `I saw you shoot Pedro Johnson, says I, `and I took that little popgun away from you that you did it with. And when I did so I noticed three or four little scars in a row over your right eyebrow. You've been in rookus before, haven't you?

"'I saw you shoot Pedro Johnson, says I, 'and I took that little popgun away from you that you did it with. And when I did so I noticed three or four little scars in a row over your right eyebrow. You've been in rookus before, haven't you? "'I've had these scars ever since I can remember, says he. 'I don't know how they came there. "'Was you ever in Texas before? says I.

It's plain enough now. After his rookus with the old man, Yankie must have got a seventy-three an' waited in the chaparral. It just happened he was lyin' hid close to where we met Clanton. It beats the Dutch." "An' if Jim hadn't escaped he'd have been hanged for killin' Webb." "That's right, sheriff. On my testimony, too. Say, let me go to the Governor with these papers an' git the pardon.

You ain't never seen nary one of us before! Git that!" "Sure, sure thing, boys, I don't know who ye be. 'Tain't none of my business. I couldn't name none of you. You don't need to be scairt of me." "You beat it, then, an' lose yerself an' don't yer go stirrin' up no rookus over to the dance, er we'll dangle you a little, too." "Sure. I'm a-goin' now. "Fork over that key first!" "Sure, Tex!