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But of all words which identify the Gipsies with the East, and which prove their Hindu origin, those by which they call themselves Rom and Romni are most conclusive. In India the Dom caste is one of the lowest, whose business it is for the men to remove carcasses, while the Domni, or female Dom, sings at weddings. Everything known of the Dom identifies them with Gipsies.

"And when yuv's mullo I pet my wast adree his poachy and there mandy lastered the cigaras. And from dovo chairus, rya, mandy never tooved a cigar. "Avali there's adusta Romni chuls that kairs dovo. And when my juvo mullered, mandy never lelled nokengro kekoomi.

They are possibly transposed from Lurka a youth and lurki a girl, such transpositions being common among the lowest classes in India. RUMMY or RUMY, as applied to women, is simply the Gipsy word romi, a contraction of romni, a wife; the husband being her rom.

'Kako, tute jins the cigarras you del a mandy? 'Avali, I says he, 'I've got 'em acai in my poachy. Mandy and my pens was by him, but his romni was avree, adree the boro tan, bikinin covvas, for she'd never lelled the bugni, nor his chavos, so they couldn't well a dickin, for we wouldn't mukk em. And so he mullered.

A chirrico 'dree the mast is worth dui 'dree the bor. Never kin a pong dishler nor lel a romni by momeli dood. Never buy a handkerchief nor choose a wife by candle-light. Always jal by the divvus. Always go by the day. Chin tutes chuckko by tute's kaum. Cut your coat according to your fancy. This is a Gipsy variation of an old proverb. Fino ranyas kair fino trushnees.

De hadzin e Birengere miro lowe, dale mangawa me len de bidschin jon mire lowe gadder o foro Naile abbi Bidschebasger wurtum sikk. Gai me dschingerdum ab demende, hi gar dschadscho, gai miri romni hass mando, gowe hi dschadscho. Obaaro Dewel de bleiserwel de mange de menge demaro Ladscho Sii. Miero Bargerbin. De me dschawe demaro gandelo Waleddo. "LICHTENBERG, January 18, 1859.

The occupation of the Domni and Romni, dancing and making music at festivals, are strikingly allied. I was reminded of this at the last opera which I witnessed at Covent Garden, on seeing stage Gipsies introduced as part of the fete in "La Traviata."