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The time was half-past eleven upon a Sunday night in the late summer. A motor was passing slowly down the road. It was a long, lean Rolls-Royce, running smoothly with a gentle purring of the engine.

When, an hour and a half after setting out in the commandeered Rolls-Royce, Kerry groped blindly along Limehouse Causeway, it was through a yellow murk that he made his way a vapour which could not only be seen, smelled and felt, but tasted. He was in one of his most violent humours.

The Consul was summoned, the headquarters hotel of the English officers was rung up, and thither we went through an ambuscade of motor-cars in the courtyard. A lieutenant of the Naval Flying Squadron was ready for us with his powerful Rolls-Royce, and we were soon on the high road to Calais.

It was a dark and silent street by night, little used, a mere link between two main thoroughfares. Sofia, running for dear life, was still far from the nearest corner. Karslake doubled nimbly across the street to the only vehicle in sight, an impressive Rolls-Royce town-car. Jumping on the running-board he pointed out the fleeing shadow to the chauffeur.

Having been brought up in the company of Rolls-Royce cars, and diamond rings, and thousand-dollar dogs they don't move him an inch. He just treats 'em same's he would anything else and often it's the best plan.

So well off was she that, had she so chosen, she could have lived in an opulent part of London and driven from it and to it in a Rolls-Royce. She had no such wish. It needed more vitality than went with true comfort to deal with a house in an opulent spot and a Rolls-Royce. Worries attended such possessions, worries of every kind, crowned by bills.

Peg said "Humph!" and for some moments they worked silently. Then Faith asked again: "What is he like?" "Who? Scammel? Oh, big and ugly." "Does he ever come here?" "Bless your heart, no! He's a millionaire with a house in Park-lane or somewhere, and a yacht, and a place on the river, and a Rolls-Royce, and no end more...." She was drawing entirely on her imagination.

And yesterday just after my mother had shown me the check, I saw Faversham in Pengarth, driving a Rolls-Royce car, brand-new, with a dark fellow beside him whom I know quite well as a Bond Street dealer. I conclude Faversham was taking him to see the collections his collections!" "It looks ugly I grant. But I believe he'll provide for the girl as soon as he can."

"Have you heard of the wonderful one-hoss shay That was built in such a logical way It ran a hundred years to a day?" quoted Han. "Wouldn't that look funny alongside a Rolls-Royce, Perry?" "It would look funny alongside a flivver," answered the other. "Say, how far do we have to walk? Seems to me we've done about five miles already." "Rot! We haven't walked more than a mile.

The economic and social advantage that women thus seek in marriage and the seeking is visible no less in the kitchen wench who aspires to the heart of a policeman than in the fashionable flapper who looks for a husband with a Rolls-Royce is, by a curious twist of fate, one of the underlying causes of their precarious economic condition before marriage rescues them.