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I heard one old road-sweeper say; and all the children seemed to crowd round her involuntarily, and yet, with the exception of Dot, she had never seemed to care for children. I watched her as she moved about the squalid rooms, arranging the primroses in broken bowls, and even teacups, with a sort of ministering grace I had never noticed in her before. Mother had always praised her nursing.

It was a violent, mysterious, agonizing, and sudden death for him, and must have confirmed his theories about the arbitrariness of things. The thirteen passed pitilessly on. Mr. Curtenty freed the gander from the coiling wire, and picked it up, but, finding it far too heavy to carry, he handed it to a Corporation road-sweeper. 'I'll send for it, he said; 'wait here.

He had been very solitary all day, and even the company of the old road-sweeper was welcome. "If we don't get some drying days soon, it'll be bad for all of us, won't it, Reuben?" "Aye, it's a bit clashy," said the man, with stolidity, stopping to spit into his hands a moment, before resuming his work. The mildness of the adjective brought another half-smile to Helbeck's dark face.

The old lady herself, having folded up her Debats, asked a passing nursemaid the time, thanking her with "How very good of you!" then begged the road-sweeper to tell her grandchildren to come, as she felt cold, adding "A thousand thanks. I am sorry to give you so much trouble!"

He might be a bricklayer or a road-sweeper if you judge by his appearance. This is the tomb I was telling you about." We halted before the plain coffer of stone, weathered and wasted by age, but yet kept in decent repair by some pious hands, and read the inscription, setting forth with modest pride, that here reposed Anna, sixth daughter of Richard Cromwell, "The Protector."

But, whether you are a business man or a road-sweeper, you can live the sanctified life.