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"Thank you kindly. . . . If it doesn't make any difference to the rest, I'd like to be alone with The Padre for a little not for religion, you understand, for I go as I stayed, and I hev my views, but for private business." Slowly, awkwardly, the few river-drivers passed out Devlin and Mrs. Falchion and Ruth and I with them for I could do nothing now for him he was broken all to pieces.

From this topic he proceeded genially to narrate the life-histories of the boss, the under boss, and several Indians belonging to the crew, histories in which he himself played a gallant and conspicuous part. The conversation then drifted naturally to the exploits of river-drivers in general, and Mr.

Even as I thought of him, I was within a few rods of the house where he was. I looked, and saw him standing in the doorway. I ran and called to him. He instantly joined me, and we ran on together: the fishermen shouting loudly as they watched the river-drivers come armed down the hill-slope into the village. I hastily explained the situation to my friend, and told him what we must do.

He had watched the lights in the river-drivers' camps, had seen the men beside the fires, and had drifted on, with no temptation to join in the songs floating out over the dark water, to share the contents of the jugs raised to boisterous lips, or to thrust his hand into the greasy cooking-pot for a succulent bone. He drifted on until he came opposite Charlemagne's tavern.

Then, when the thaws come in the spring, these piles are broken down and set afloat in the river." "I see," said Newmark. "Well, but why shouldn't we undertake that part of it? I should think that would he more the job of the river-drivers." "It would hold back our drive too much to have to stop and break rollways," explained Orde.

She has wisdom in the raw, and a real grip on life, and yet all the men she has known have been river-drivers and farmers, and a few men from town who mistook the sort of Suzon she is. Virtuous and straight, she's a born child of Aphrodite too by nature. She was made for love. A thousand years ago she would have had a thousand loves!

The last time he had heard Vanne's whistle was a night five years before, when they both joined a gang of river-drivers, and made a raid on some sham American speculators and surveyors and labourers, who were exploiting an oil-well on the property of the old seigneur. The two had come out of the melee with bruised heads, and Vanne with a bullet in his calf.

As I did so I inquired of one or two fishers what was the trouble. They told me, as I had guessed, that they expected an attack on the village by the mill-hands and river-drivers of Viking. The situation was critical. I could foresee a catastrophe which would for ever unsettle the two towns, and give the valley an unenviable reputation. I was certain that, if Roscoe or Mr.

It was a river-driving and lumber case for which many witnesses had been called; and there were all kinds of stray people in the place red-shirted river-drivers, a black-coated Methodist minister from Chalfonte, clerks from lumber-firms, and foremen of lumber-yards; and among these was one who greatly loved such a day as this when he could be free from work, and celebrate himself!

I landed on the island and watched with great interest the men as they pried, twisted and tumbled the pile to get at the key-log which, found and loosened, would send the heap into the water. I was sorry I brought the Indian with me, for though the river-drivers stopped their wild sing-song cry for a moment to call a "How!" at me, they presently began to toss jeering words at the Indian.