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Rippenger paid the tramp, I dare say; my grandfather paid Rippenger's bill and for Saddlebank's goose; my aunt paid the gipsies, and I think it doubtful that they handed the tramp a share, so he came to the end of his list of benefits from not asking questions. I returned to Riversley more of a man than most boys of my age, and more of a child.

He laughed aloud at the idea of our plumping down on Rippenger's school, getting a holiday for the boys, tipping them, and then off with Julia, exactly like two Gods of the Mythology, Apollo and Mercury.

I had no tears to shed; my chest kept heaving enormously. My friend was gone. I stood in the road straining to hear the last of the wheels after they had long been silent. From that hour till the day Heriot's aunt came to see me, I lived systematically out of myself in extreme flights of imagination, locking my doors up, as it were, all the faster for the extremest strokes of Mr. Rippenger's rod.

The tramp approached, calling out for news of me. Now at Rippenger's school, thanks to Heriot, lying was not the fashion; still I had heard boys lie, and they can let it out of their mouths like a fish, so lively, simple, and solid, that you could fancy a master had asked them for it and they answered, 'There it is. But boys cannot lie in one key spontaneously, a number of them to the same effect, as my friends here did.

Preferring positive independence, I followed her, and then she told me that she had overheard the tramp last night swearing I was as good as a fistful of half-crowns lost to him if he missed me. The image of Rippenger's school overshadowed me at this communication. With some melancholy I said: 'You'll join your friends, won't you? She snapped her fingers: 'Mumpers! and walked on carelessly.

'Remember our feast in the combe? I sang across the table to him. 'Never forget it! said he; and we repeated the tale of the goose at Rippenger's school to our entertainers, making them laugh. 'And next morning Richie ran off with a gipsy girl, said Temple; and I composed a narrative of my wanderings with Kiomi, much more amusing than the real one.

'Well, he happened to be out in it. 'Where'd he be now but for one o' my men? 'Who can answer that, Captain Welsh? 'I can, my lad-stewing in an ante-room of hell-gates, I verily believe. Temple sighed at the captain's infatuation, and said, 'I'll tell you of a fellow at our school named Drew; he was old Rippenger's best theological scholar always got the prize for theology.

Rippenger receiving them like a pliant hodman; for the result of it was that two days later, without seeing my kings of England, my home again, or London, I was Julia Rippenger's intimate friend and the youngest pupil of the school. My father told me subsequently that we slept at an hotel those two nights intervening.

His idea of Judgement Day was old Rippenger's half-yearly examination. These are facts, you know, Captain Welsh. I testified to them briefly. The captain said a curious thing: 'I'll make an appointment with you in leviathan's jaws the night of a storm, my lad. 'With pleasure, said Temple. 'The Lord send it! exclaimed the captain.

The tramp approached, calling out for news of me. Now at Rippenger's school, thanks to Heriot, lying was not the fashion; still I had heard boys lie, and they can let it out of their mouths like a fish, so lively, simple, and solid, that you could fancy a master had asked them for it and they answered, 'There it is. But boys cannot lie in one key spontaneously, a number of them to the same effect, as my friends here did.