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An' if Elspie'll marry me an' let me belong to her, an' her to me. "'Marry you? says Elspie, understandin' how he'd rilly spoke to her. 'Me? "Eb straightened himself up, an' his eyes was bright an' keen as the edge o' somethin'. "'Yes, you, he says gentle. 'An' me. "An' then she looked at him like he was lookin' at her.

De Rilly took me to a lodging in the Rue de L'Autruche, not far from my own, which was in the Rue St. Honore. Letting myself be commanded entirely by him, I went to bed, but not to sleep. I was anxious for morning to come, that I might be off to the Louvre. I lay speculating on the chances of my seeing De Quelus, and of his undertaking to obtain the King's protection for me.

"For me? You know they give me a benefit once in the basement of the Court House. But a private tea, for me?" And when she understood that this was what I meant, "Oh," she said earnestly, "I'd be so glad to come. An' you an' I can know the tea is for me if you rilly mean it but it won't do to say it so'd it'd get out around. Oh, no, it won't.

Nita Ordway and Viola and I stood for a moment with Calliope at her gate. "Come!" we begged her, "now go with us. We are all late together. There is no reason why you should not go with us to the Christmas party." But Calliope shook her head. "I'm ever so much obliged to you," she said, "but oh, I couldn't. I've hed too rilly a Christmas to come down to a party anywheres."

"She begun to cry a little, an' with that Elspie looks up at her, troubled. "'I didn't mean to make you cry, she says. 'I didn't mean you should know anything about it. I come early to do it I thought you wouldn't know. "'Do what? says Mis' Merriman, rill snappish. "Elspie looks around at us then as if she first rilly took us in.

Come to think of it, I donno but a shroud does become most folks like they was rilly well-dressed at last. "She come an' set down to table, quiet as you please an' differ'nt. Your clothes don't make you, by any means, but they just do sort o' hem your edges, or rhyme the ends of you, or give a nice, even bake to your crust I donno. They do somethin'. An' the shroud hed done it to that girl.

"'We'd best go out there an' see, says Mis' Sykes, low; 'the dear land knows what men will do. "So we watched our chance an' slipped out an' I guess, for all our high ways, we was all three wonderin' inside, was we rilly doin' right. You know your doubts come thick when there's a noise in the entry. But Mis' Sykes acted as brave as two, an' it was her shut the door to behind us.

I had engaged a lackey, for whose honesty De Rilly had vouched, but he was now absent on a journey to La Tournoire, whither I had sent him with a message to my old steward. I have often wondered at the good fortune which preserved me from being waylaid, by thieving rascals, on my peregrinations, by night, through Paris streets.

Is that all you have to say? 'Rilly, Mr Phillips, what a man you are for catching people up, you rilly are. O' course that ain't all I've got to say, ain't I just a-comin' to it? 'Then come. 'If you presses me so you'll muddle of me up, and then if I do 'appen to make a herror, you'll say I'm a liar, when goodness knows there ain't no more truthful woman not in Limehouse.

An' it seemed like I hed sort o' scrabbled her up an' held her over a precipice, an' said to her: 'See the dead. Look at yourself. Come forth come forth! Clean up do somethin' to help, anything, if it's only tackin' on evergreens an' doin' the Dead's hair up becomin' oh, I s'pose, rilly, I was sayin' to her: 'Put on thy beautiful garments. Awake.