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A "relocatable" OTHR system can track aircraft targets right down to ground level. In an early experiment operators were puzzled by the sudden disappearance from their screen of an aircraft they had been tracking as it taxied along the ground.

The law requires that a certain fixed amount of work or expenditure shall be done or made annually upon every mining location for purposes of benefiting and developing the claim, and further provides that upon failure to do such "assessment work" the ground shall become open and relocatable on the 1st of January following.

At midnight of this woful tenth day, the ledge would be "relocatable," and by eleven o'clock the hill was black with men prepared to do the relocating. That was the crowd I had seen when I fancied a new "strike" had been made idiot that I was. He was a manly, splendid, determined fellow, and known to be as good as his word, and therefore a compromise was effected.

At midnight of this woful tenth day, the ledge would be "relocatable," and by eleven o'clock the hill was black with men prepared to do the relocating. That was the crowd I had seen when I fancied a new "strike" had been made idiot that I was. He was a manly, splendid, determined fellow, and known to be as good as his word, and therefore a compromise was effected.

Because HF frequencies were being used the power was kept very low to minimize interference to other services during the early tests. At the time of writing it is believed that a full-power relocatable OTHR system situated in Virginia is being used in the anti-drug war. As can be seen from the map this ROTHR can cover a vast area of 1.6 million nautical miles, straddling the whole Caribbean.