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He is very cultured, and, having traveled extensively, we found much to admire and a very delightful compagnon de voyage in him." Miss Reynolds shot a keen look at the girl's animated face. "Yes," she observed to herself, "and if I am not very much mistaken, our 'cultured gentleman' heartily reciprocates that last statement."

The Coreans may, therefore, be forgiven if, besides showing almost religious veneration for their feline friend who reciprocates this in his own way they have also the utmost terror of him. Whenever I went for long walks outside the town with Coreans, I noticed that when on the narrow paths I was invariably left to bring up the rear, although I was a quicker walker than they were.

"But he reciprocates," said the engineer; "he studies you." The student of man held his smiling companion's gaze with his own, thrust one hand into his bosom, and lifted the digit of the other: "The eyes are called the windows of the soul, 'And looks commercing with the skies, Thy rapt soul sitting in thine eyes. "Have you tried to look into his eyes? You can't do it. He won't let you.

If you, young man, have been the same, if you have held yourself in by "bit and bridle," as it were, then, if she reciprocates your love, you are at liberty to propose marriage to her.

I loved Muriel Leithcourt, yet, afloat as I was, I could never see her I could not obtain from her own lips the explanation I desired. Yet I would not prejudge her no, and I won't now!" he added with a fierce resolution. "I love her," he went on, "and she reciprocates my love.

Bulgarians, is perhaps the most bitter of all Balkan controversies. I have found it in places transcending far the religious gap between Turk and Christian, and in that particularly stormy North Macedonian corner of the Balkans a Patriarchate man gives first place in his hatred to an Exarchate man and second place to a Turk; and the Exarchate man reciprocates in like manner.

There is such venom in Carlotta's looks and in Carlotta's words that Brigitta suddenly takes her eyes off a man with a red waistcoat whom she is ogling, but who by no means reciprocates her attention, and asks Carlotta sharply, "Why she hates the marchesa?" "Listen," answers Carlotta, holding up her finger.

'By no means, mamma, rejoined the young lady 'we have both at times been strangely eccentric in our tastes, and must not ridicule each other's preferences, however singular. 'Well then, you must know that my lover is a very pretty youth of about fifteen, who reciprocates my passion with boyish ardor. You will acknowledge that to a woman of my age, such an amour must be delicious and unique.

The notes are few and simple, and when delivered by a clear, melodious voice, have something expressive of that tenderness and affection which man naturally entertains for the companions of his labours, in a pastoral state of society, when, feeling more forcibly his dependence upon domesticated animals for support, he gladly reciprocates with them kindness and protection for comfort and subsistence.

The manikin courtiers trip woodenly down the grand stairs to meet the manikin guests with little wooden Orientalisms of compliment, and all the little wooden delicacies of the season; and they conduct the manikin Sahibs and Beebees into the presence of the manikin Rajah, who receives them with wooden condescension and affability, and graciously reciprocates their wooden salaams, inquiring woodenly into the health of all their manikin friends, and hoping, with the utmost ligneous solicitude, that they have had a pleasant wooden journey: and so on, manikin by manikin, to the wooden end.