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There was a quick succession of sharp explosions. "Bombs!" said the M. O. The explosions were followed by the rat-tat-tat tat-tat tat-tat-tat of the machine guns. Instantly they were both on their feet and out in the trench. "I guess Fritzie is trying to put something over on us, being our first night," said the M. O. "I'll get my boys out."

But she caught even as she spoke a rat-tat-tat of the knocker, which struck her as a sign. "Ah there!" "Then I go." And Maud whisked out. Mrs.

He had the tic-douloureux occasionally, and then he might be said to be muffled, because he did not make quite as much noise as at other times, when he would go on prosing, rat-tat-tat the same thing over and over again. He had never been married; but he was still on the look-out for a wife with money.

"Listen!" whispered Elaine. There was the noise again. This time it was more as though some one were beating a rat-tat-tat with something on a rock. It was weird, uncanny, as all stood there, none knowing where the strange noises came from. "It's the haunts!" cried Aunt Tabby, trembling a bit. "For three nights now we've been hearing these noises."

As if by natural necessity, they talked of nothing in particular whilst tea was sipped. Harvey still held his cup, when at the outer door sounded a rat-tat-tat, causing him silently to execrate the intruder, whoever it might be. Unheeding, and as if she had not heard, Alma chatted of trifles. Harvey's ear detected movements without, but no one entered; in a minute or two, he again breathed freely.

"making up his mind," there came a single man's elegant rat-tat-tat at the street door. "One never has a moment for thinking," cried Frank, and he called out to his valet, "Not at home." But it was too late. Lord Spendquick was in the hall, and presently within the room. How d'ye do's were exchanged and hands shaken. LORD SPENDQUICK. "I have a note for you, Hazeldean." "From whom?"

The three from Weald reached the base of the Med Ship. One of their enemies had lost his rifle and need not be counted. Another had fled from flames and might be ignored for some moments, anyhow. But a blast-bolt struck the ship's metal hull only feet from Calhoun, and he whipped around to the other side and let loose a staccato rat-tat-tat of fire which emptied the rifle of all its charges.

In the morning the majority of the students marched to church under the directions of the captain and Mr. Strong, and part of the afternoon was spent in writing letters to the folks at home. "Lights out," sounded half an hour earlier than usual, so that the cadets might get a good sleep before starting out on the two days' march. Rat-tat-tat! Rat-tat-tat! Rat-tat-tat!

What is there in a rat-tat-tat in the dead of night which rouses the imagination and fills the mind with suggestions which we had rather not harbour when in the dark and alone? Deborah Scoville was not superstitious, but she had keen senses and mercurial spirits and was easily moved by suggestion.

As we filed through the village the reflections of star-shells threw weird lights on half-ruined houses; an occasional shell screamed overhead, to burst with a dull, echoing sound within the shattered walls of former cottages; and one could hear the rat-tat-tat of machine-guns.