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Eighty-eight policemen were bitten by dogs in 1913, but only forty-four in 1915, says The Daily Mail, and quotes a policeman as saying that "dogs are not half so vicious as they used to be." The true explanation is that policemen no longer taste as good as in the old rabbit-pie days. Recent heavy rain and the absence of sunshine have, it is stated, caused corn in Essex to sprout in the ear.

The rabbits were confiscated. What was their ultimate fate, we never knew with certainty, but three days later we were given rabbit-pie for dinner. To comfort him I endeavoured to assure him that these could not be his rabbits.

I know men who are raising the splosh any way they can to get in." "I dare say. There's never been any lack of gamblers on Ballarat," said Mahony dryly, and passed his cup to be refilled. Pig-headed fool! was Ned's mental retort, as he sliced a chunk of rabbit-pie. "Well, I bet you'll feel sore some day you didn't take my advice," he said aloud.

He came in a car and brought with him his own knife and fork and a loaf of bread as his contribution to the Divisional Lunch. When he entered the tavern he smelt among other smells the delicious odour of rabbit-pie. With hurried but charming condescension he left his loaf on the stove, where it dried for a day or two until the landlady had the temerity to appropriate it.

'Must he have dinner? 'Too heavy for a tired man at the end of a tedious journey. 'Tea, then? 'Not substantial enough. 'High tea, then? There is cold fowl, rabbit-pie, some pasties, and things of that kind. 'Yes, high tea. 'Must I pour out his tea, papa? 'Of course; you are the mistress of the house.

"I make you one good rabbit-pie next time I'se get rabbits." "That's a bargain!" said Mr Lathrope; and there the incident ended. "Rouse up there with that spout!" shouted out Mr McCarthy, who had at once turned back to tackle the roof as soon as the alarm caused by the earthquake had passed away. "Bedad, if you don't look pretty sharp, there'll be no ruff to put it on, at all at all!"

Talbot would hardly have understood the significance of that rabbit-pie, though in the course of her occasional bobbings in and out of the room, to see that the young men were doing justice to her food, she had a curious notion that young men never ate enough, she would hear snatches of what she called "deep talk," or shake her old head at her coming son-in-law, whom she already adored and mothered, with a "Law! what a boy it is!"

Talbot's rabbit-pie, but confine myself to a practical outcome of it. What interests me specially about these young men was their rare practicality. They were no mere dreamers, helpless visionaries, with ideas they had no notion how to embody.

"It's the anniversary of the day on which I first met Trivett, and I've made a moorhen and rabbit-pie to celebrate it," declared Mrs Trivett. Mavis was a little surprised at this piece of information, but she very soon learned that Mrs Trivett's life was chiefly occupied with the recollection and celebration of anniversaries of any and every event which had occurred in her life.

"Capital!" cried Londonderry; "come in for a bit of supper, all of you, and let us talk over the plan of campaign." Old Mrs. Talbot had been prepared for some such invasion, and had an excellent rabbit-pie awaiting them. There was a delightful trait of old Mrs.