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He had not said one word to Mr. Parker this evening as he took off his coat; Mr. Parker had not thought that he looked very well. "He was too quiet-like," said the butler. As to the details of the affair upstairs these were considered in a purely humorous light.

"'Deed then, Sir Herbert, me lady is surprising very quiet-like; but her leddyship was always that, and as sweet to them as comes nigh her as flowers in May; but sure that's nathural to her leddyship." "And, Richard " "Yes, Sir Herbert." "Was Mr. Owen over at Castle Richmond since I left?" "Sorrow a foot, Sir Herbert. Nor no one ain't heard on him, nor seen him. And I will say this on him "

"One of us must get Bob Pretty up 'ere to-morrow night and stand 'im a pint, or p'r'aps two pints," he ses. "While he's here two other chaps must 'ave a row close by his 'ouse and pretend to fight. Mrs. Pretty and the young 'uns are sure to run out to look at it, and while they are out another chap can go in quiet-like and get the hamper."

We looked about, some quiet-like, and on tiptoe, and then we saw this shipmate o' your'n pry apart some bushes and head in this way. It looked queer to us." "What did you think was up?" asked Jack. "Why, as near as we could figger, this was some smuggler's hidin' place, and we was figgerin' that perhaps Jerry and me would have five 'hundred or a thousand dollars' reward to divvy up on.

"There do be wild ducks in thim rushes," said Murphy, musingly. "Sure I count it sthrange, Jack Mount, that thim burrds sit quiet-like an' a screechin' rigiment marchin' acrost that log-road." "You mean that somebody has been down there before and scared the ducks away?" I asked. "Maybe, sorr," he replied, grimly.

"Den when Mass'r Richard gits one of dem letters, he sits so quiet-like, thinking and smiling to himself, and ef you speak to him, he answers you kind ob far-away, and gentle. I done tried him often. But he didn't look like dat at all when he git de letter dis morning. Mass'r Richard got powerful high temper, Miss Phill." "Then take care and not anger him, Harriet."

They're going with us, an' we all start out tiptoe and quiet-like so's not to wake up the ol' folks. The ground is frozen hard; we stub our toes on the frozen ruts in the road. When we come to the minister's house, Laura is standin' on the front stoop a-waitin' for us. Laura is the minister's daughter. She's a friend o' Sister Helen's pretty as a dagerr'otype, an' gentle-like and tender.

That's in the Bible, Gearge. Motive. I thought I'd try un just once more. 'What's a motive, Dame? says I. 'I've got un here, says she, quite quiet-like. But I seed her feeling under 's chair, and I know'd 'twas for the strap, and I ran straight off, spelling-book and all, Gearge." "So thee've been playing moocher, eh?" said George, with an unpleasant twinkle in his eyes.

We was having a quiet-like chat when you busted in here, and I cal'late we'd best make it three-sided, that is, if you ain't got no reasonable objection to raise. Come, you ain't in that rush." Harry bounded toward the door. So, also, did the Captain. A heavy hand fell on the shoulder of the little man and spun him about.

For a moment Faith was too startled for reply, and then she asked curiously, with a queer flutter in her heart, "What did he say!" "He just howled, 'No o! as loud as he could shout, and after that he said, more quiet-like, that you'd never be an angel as long as you kept on the way you are going. He says you need a good, common dose of sense and a cannon under your chair.