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She was on a visit to Lady Janet Gordon, an elderly spinster, who lived in Park-street. 'Are you quite sure she's not an adventuress, Shargar? 'It's o' no mainner o' use to tell ye what I'm sure or no sure o', Robert, in sic a case. But I'll manage, somehoo, 'at ye sall see her yersel', an' syne I'll speir back yer ain queston at ye. 'Weel, hae ye tauld her a' aboot yersel'?

"And she's owerheard her father and me speakin' thegither as gin't had been only ae body thinkin'. For gin ever twa was ane, that twa and that ane is Andrew Constable and mysel'." "But what right had you to talk about my son?" "Weel, mem, that queston gangs raither far. What's already procleemed frae the hoose-taps may surely be spoken i' the ear in closets-�for oor back-room is but a closet.

I kenna what yer sicht may be, and I'm thinkin' I care as little. But weel ken I what the licht is." "Tibbie, dinna be ill-nater'd, like me. Ye hae no call to that same. I'm tryin' to answer your queston. And gin ye interrup' me again, I'll rise an' gang hame." "Say awa', Thamas. Never heed me. I'm some cankert whiles. I ken that weel eneuch." "Ye hae nae business to be cankert, Tibbie?"

Indeed he could not properly be said to have gone to bed at all, for he had tumbled on the counter-pane in his clothes and clean shirt-collar; where she had found him fast asleep the next morning, with Gurnall's Christian Armour terribly crumpled under him. "But," said Alec, "what is Mr Cupples?" "That's a queston he cudna weel answer ye himsel'," was the reply.

He stood a moment expecting one, then broke out in a rage. "What for mak ye nae answer whan a body speirs ye a queston? That wasna mainners whan I was a bairn. Lord! ye micht as weel be ceevil! Isna it easy eneuch to lee?" "I would answer no man who was not prepared to believe me," said Cosmo quietly.

Hoo cud ye speir sic a queston, laddie? 'He maun be sair changed, grannie. He maun be turnin' auld by this time. 'Auld! Sic like 's yersel, laddie. Hoots, hoots! ye're richt. I am forgettin'. But nanetheless wad I ken him. 'I wis I kent what he was like. I saw him ance hardly twise, but a' that I min' upo' wad stan' me in ill stead amo' the streets o' Lonnon. 'I doobt that, returned Mrs.

He had meant their conversation to be at arm's length, so to say, but his intention broke down at once, and he answered her in the same style. 'I ken naething aboot her. What for sud I? he answered. 'I ken ye dinna ken whaur she is, for I div, returned Kirsty. 'Ye answer a queston I never speired! What are ye aboot wi' Phemy, I challenge ye again!

"Are ye deif, man?" said Cupples; "or are ye feared to tyne a chance by giein' a fair answer to a fair queston?" The arrow went too near the mark not to irritate Bruce. "Gang yer wa's," said he. "We dinna want tramps i' this toon."

And whaur wad be the place to discuss sic a queston but afore a' meetin o' the church? Ca' ye that the public, sir? Wasna the church institute for the sake o' discipleen? Sic things are no to be ironed oot in a hole an' a corner, atween you and the deycons, sir. They belang to the haill body. We're a' wranged thegither, and the Holy Ghost, whase temple we sud be, is wranged forby.

Being young and healthy, he said, no patriot in this crisis, blessed with good health, could afford to remain out of the army; that the day would come when the question would be asked of all such persons, 'Why did you not go to the war and fight for your country? Poor boy, if he were living now he would ask himself the queston: 'Why did I go; for what did I peril my life? Yes! yes!