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One would have thought that saw him, those most nearly concerned almost did think, that in his daily coming to Queechy Mr. Carleton sought everybody's pleasure rather than his own. He was Fleda's most gentle and kind assistant in taking care of Hugh, soon dearly valued by the sick one, who watched for and welcomed his coming as a bright spot in the day; and loved particularly to have Mr.

"You are, eh? Well I don't know but I know that I have been inquired of by two several and distinct people as to your coming. Ah! you needn't open your bright eyes at me, because I shall not tell you. Only let me ask you have no notion of fencing off, my Queechy rose, with a hedge of blackthorn, or anything of that kind, have you?"

Rather Queechy and silence, by far, than New York and this! And through it all, Miss Tomlinson talked on and was happy. "My dear Fleda! what are you back here for?" said Florence, coming up to her. "I was glad to be at a safe distance from the fire." "Take a screen here! Miss Tomlinson, your conversation is too exciting for Miss Ringgan; look at her cheeks!

She was remembering the shadows that, one after another, had been cast upon her life, till now one soft veil of a cloud covered the whole; no storm-cloud certainly, but also there was nothing left of the glad sunlight that her young eyes rejoiced in. At Queechy the first shadow had fallen; it was a good while before the next one, but then they came thick.

"No I suppose not but Queechy air is not so well suited for them other skies will prove more genial," he said; she could not help thinking, pleased at her displeasure. "What is the fault of Queechy air, sir?" said Mr. Carleton, approaching them.

"Then he is gone! now that it is all settled! And we don't know where and we can't get word to him!" Her cheek, which had a little brightened, became perfectly white again. "He isn't gone yet he can't be he cannot have left Queechy till to-day he will be in New York for several days yet, probably." "New York? it may be Boston!"

Just think of the injurious suspicions you have exposed us to! to say nothing of the extent of fiction we have found ourselves obliged to execute. I didn't expect it of you, little Queechy." Fleda kept her pale face quiet on the pillow, and only smiled her incredulous curiosity. "But when did you come back, Fleda?" said Miss Evelyn.

"Very good!" said Earl, as he stepped back, "Queechy can't get along without you, that's no mistake." They drove on a few minutes in silence. "Aren't you thinking, Mr. Carleton," said Fleda, "that my countrymen are a strange mixture?" "I was not thinking of them at all at this moment. I believe such a notion has crossed my mind." "It has crossed mine very often," said Fleda.

Rossitur and Fleda went a trifle out of their road to say good-bye to Mrs. Douglass's family. Fleda had seen her aunt Miriam in the morning, and bid her a conditional farewell; for, as after Mrs. Rossitur's sailing she would be with Mrs. Carleton, she judged it little likely that she should see Queechy again. They had time for but a minute at Mrs. Douglass's. Mrs.

One morning Fleda and Hugh having finished their morning's work were in the breakfast-room waiting for the rest of the family, when Charlton made his appearance, with the cloud on his brow which had been lately gathering. "Where is the paper?" said he. "I haven't seen a paper since I have been here." "You mustn't expect to find Mexican luxuries in Queechy, Capt. Rossitur," said Fleda pleasantly.