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By this mixture the rocks are made infinitely weighty and solid, and thereby still the more qualified to repel the force of the sea. They are the same kind which are found in Switzerland among the Alps, and which Pliny pretended were peculiar to those mountains, and calls the pyrrhocorax. The body is black; the legs, feet, and bill of a deep yellow, almost to a red.

At the same time that there were so many in Guernsey, Starlings were reported as unusually numerous in Alderney, but how long the migratory flocks remained there I have not been able to ascertain. The Starling is included in Professor Ansted's list, but marked as only occurring in Guernsey and Sark. There are two specimens in the Museum and some eggs. CHOUGH. Pyrrhocorax graculus, Linnaeus.

It is almost the only frugivorous nocturnal bird that is yet known; the conformation of its feet sufficiently shows that it does not hunt like our owls. It feeds on very hard fruits, as the Nutcracker and the Pyrrhocorax. The latter nestles also in clefts of rocks, and is known under the name of night-crow.

Short accounts of all the birds that follow which are not described in this chapter are to be found in the previous one. Corvus macrorhynchus. The jungle-crow or Indian corby. Dendrocitta himalayensis. The Himalayan tree-pie. Abundant. Graculus eremita. The red-billed chough. In summer this species is not usually found much below elevations of 11,000 feet above the sea-level. Pyrrhocorax alpinus.