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So when he shows up at my Physical Culture Studio again, the day after Lawyer Judson has explained for us the fine points of that batty will of Pyramid's, I'm about as friendly and guileless as a dyspeptic customs inspector preparin' to go through the trunks of a Fifth avenue dressmaker.

"And you see by this creature's own story that she doesn't deserve a penny of Pyramid's money. He was fooled by her, that's all." "Not Pyramid," says I. "Didn't he have her married name on the slip too? So he must have found out." "That's so," says Steele. "Well, suppose we give her fifty or so, and ship her off."

In Egypt, where the lotus sips the waters Of ever-fruitful Nile, and the huge Sphinx In awful silence, mystic converse with The stars, doth see the pale moon hang her crescent on The pyramid's sharp peak, e'en there, well in The straits of Time's perspective, Went out, by Caesarean gusts from Rome, The low-burned candle of the Ptolemies: Went out without a flicker in full glare Of noon-day glory.

It seems, for instance, altogether likely that the architects of the pyramid took the sacred cubit equal to one 20,000,000th part of the earth's diameter for their chief unit of length, and intentionally assigned to the side of the pyramid's square base a length of just so many cubits as there are days in the year; and the closeness of the coincidence between the measured length and that indicated by this theory strengthens the idea that this was the builder's purpose.

Course he brought suit, and wasted a lot of breath callin' Pyramid hard names from a safe distance; but Pyramid's lawyers wore him out in the courts, and he was too busy to care who was cussin' him. So Mr. Wells and his woe drops out of sight.

So it's ten minutes or more before Steele has a chance to call him over, get him planted in the extra chair, and begin breakin' the news to him about Pyramid's batty will. And even after all them years Webb flushes pink in the ears at the mention of the name. "Oh, yes, Gordon," says he. "I I did hold a position at one time in his office. Misunderstanding? Not at all. He treated me shamefully.

The centre of the great pyramid's base lies about one mile and a third south of the thirtieth parallel of latitude; and from this position the pole of the heavens, as raised by refraction, would appear to be very near indeed to the required position. In fact, if the pyramid had been set about half a mile still farther south the pole would have seemed just right.

Again, that long slant tunnel, leading downwards from the pyramid's northern face, would at once find a meaning in this astrological theory. The slant tunnel pointed to the pole-star of Cheops' time, when due north below the true pole of the heavens. This circumstance had no observational utility.

To elevate this weight to 38 metres, which is the pyramid's centre of gravity, it would require to burn 8244 hectolitres of coal. Our English neighbors have some foundries where they consume this quantity every week. Of the three partitions which Poland underwent in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, the first was due to the jealousies of European powers.

I looks over to J. Bayard and grins. Then I turns back to Cuyler. "Well, it can be fixed," says I. "Eh?" says he. "I beg pardon?" "Your bit from Pyramid's pile," says I. "If you'll take the chance of chuckin' your salary and quittin' the ranks of the unburied dead, we'll stake you to enough so you can buy in with Hunk. Won't we, Steele?" J. Bayard gulps once or twice and looks sort of dazed.