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In Norway I was an English student of Ibsen collecting materials for lectures, but when I left Bergen I was a cinema-man with special ski films. And I came here from Leith with a lot of pulp-wood propositions in my pocket to put before the London newspapers. Till yesterday I thought I had muddied my trail some, and was feeling pretty happy. Then ...

Orcutt, and which represents the initial payment of ten percent of the purchase price of certain pulp-wood lands described in the accompanying contract of sale." "Return the money!" cried Wentworth. "What do you mean?" "Simply, that the deal is off. Or, rather, no valid transaction was ever consummated." Every particle of color faded from the engineer's face at the words.

Hedin interrupted him, speaking crisply. "I mean that this paper, as you will note, is a power of attorney which gives me authority to transact any and all business for Mr. McNabb, concerning the purchase of certain pulp-wood lands." "Dut, man!" cried Cameron excitedly. Ignoring the interruption, Hedin continued. "And I hereby, in the presence of Mr.

If you'd have been wiser you would have waited until you could have laid hands on the coat, and then locked up your fur clerk." "H-m-m, maybe ye're right," answered McNabb. "And," continued Wentworth, emboldened by the placidity of the other's tone, "if you had been wiser, you wouldn't have lost your pulp-wood holdings.

Reaching into his pocket, Wentworth drew out the packet of papers and held it in his hand. "Eight or ten years ago McNabb bought options on a half million acres of pulp-wood lying between two certain rivers. He sent for me said he heard I was out of a job, and that as he was the one that was responsible for my losing out, it was only fair that he should offer me another.

The Eureka Paper Company is my company, and the pulp-wood that you held options on is my pulp-wood. I've been waiting a long time for this day more than twenty years. It's only fair to give the devil his due, John you've been shrewd. Time and again I almost had you, but you always managed somehow to elude me. There have been times when I could have murdered you, gladly.

The next moment he was welcoming the girl with a deference he would have scarce accorded to royalty. Supper over, McNabb left Jean to be entertained by Murchison, and strolled down to the landing to join Hedin. "Well, how's everything comin'?" he asked, as he seated himself beside the clerk upon a damaged York boat. "I wired you that the deal was closed, and the pulp-wood is safe.

"Not any later than you are, Captain. An' I'm headed in. Put over any more big deals lately?" "What do you mean?" "Oh, I run onto Cameron about a week back. He was huntin' you or Orcutt. He told me how you beat old John McNabb out of his pulp-wood almost.

If the timber could be conservatively managed as are live-stock products, so that all the waste could be utilized, all the small articles, shingles, lath, posts, tan-bark and extract, pulp-wood, wood for distillation and small manufactured articles would be made by-products of the larger cuts.

The morning of June 29th brought Cameron, armed with credentials which empowered him to transact any and all business connected with the pulp-wood holdings of the Canadian Wild Lands Company, Ltd. Murchison introduced him to Wentworth, who insisted that the man share his cabin.