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"And now we are quite grown up and do not care to climb so high, but creep humbly through our neighbor's hedge." "Then you really are strangers?" cried Paula in surprise. "And have you never met Pulcheria, Katharina?" "Pul? oh, how glad I should have been to call her!" said Katharina.

You must know that my poor child, our Pul, regards you as the most perfect of men and esteems you above all others. You know her and Joanna. Bear witness to your friend that no evil word ever passed the lips of either of them. Far be it from me to advise you, who bear the image of another woman in your heart, to say: marry the child, she is the wife for you.

Their daughter Pulcheria, was commonly called "Pul" for short, to save time, excepting when the old man spoke of her by preference as "the poor child."

He made war upon the southern kingdom, and with such success that he felt himself entitled to claim its conquuest, and to inscribe upon his signet-seal the proud title of "Conqueror of Babylonia." This is probably the exact event of which Berosus spoke as occurring 526 years before Phul or Pul, and which Herodotus regarded as marking the commencement of the Assyrian "Empire."

In the course of it he reduced to subjection Damascus, which had regained its independence, and was under the government of Rezin; Samaria, where Menahem, the adversary of Pul, was still reigning; Tyre, which was under a monarch bearing the familiar name of Hiram; Hamath, Gebal, and the Arabs bordering upon Egypt, who were ruled by a queen called Khabiba.

"And now we are quite grown up and do not care to climb so high, but creep humbly through our neighbor's hedge." "Then you really are strangers?" cried Paula in surprise. "And have you never met Pulcheria, Katharina?" "Pul? oh, how glad I should have been to call her!" said Katharina.

"And now we are quite grown up and do not care to climb so high, but creep humbly through our neighbor's hedge." "Then you really are strangers?" cried Paula in surprise. "And have you never met Pulcheria, Katharina?" "Pul? oh, how glad I should have been to call her!" said Katharina.

Assur-nirari, the last of the old dynasty, died or was put to death, and Pulu or Pul, one of his generals, was proclaimed king on the 13th of Iyyar or April under the name of Tiglath-pileser III. Tiglath-pileser III. was the founder of the Second Assyrian empire, which was based on a wholly different principle from that of the first. Occupation and not plunder was the object of its wars.

"Oh, I know quite well how he spends his Days! And his pretty wife and Pul I know them all. How often I have watched them I will show you the place one day! I can see over the whole garden, only not what goes on near the convent on the other side of the house, or beyond those trees. You know my mother; if she once dislikes any one.... But Pul, you understand, would be such a friend for me!"

You must know that my poor child, our Pul, regards you as the most perfect of men and esteems you above all others. You know her and Joanna. Bear witness to your friend that no evil word ever passed the lips of either of them. Far be it from me to advise you, who bear the image of another woman in your heart, to say: marry the child, she is the wife for you.