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Such a craft as you speak of would be totally unfit for the voyage we contemplate." "Why?" inquired Bob. "Why?" repeated I, astonished at the question. "Simply because we should never get across the Bay of Biscay in her, to say nothing of the remainder of the voyage." "Why not?" demanded Bob, rather pugnaciously.

Lord Marney looked at Egremont pugnaciously, and then observed, "Grouse is a capital fellow; one is never dull when Grouse is here." "Well, for my part," said Egremont, "I do not much admire that amusement which is dependent on the efforts of hangers-on." "Grouse is no more a hanger-on than any one else," said Lord Marney, rather fiercely.

His face was dark; he was scowling; his chin was pugnaciously outthrust and his voice rumbled as he exclaimed: "The deuce it is! Say! I don't like the way you talk about that girl." "You don't, eh?" O'Reilly eyed him quizzically. "Would you care to have your sister do what she's doing?" "That's not the point. You can't compare her with ordinary women."

Verplanck, it must be confessed that going to and from school Peter was prone to lay down both books and hat, oftentimes in the mud, and square himself pugnaciously if he chanced to meet one of the boys of the "Vly Market," who were wont to scoff and tease the Broadway boys unmercifully; and fierce battles were the frequent outcome of the feeling between the two sections, and in those Peter invariably took part.

"You can be governor next year, when this reform nonsense has blown over," he said. "You can't be this year, even if you stay in the race." "Why not?" the Honourable Adam asked pugnaciously. "Your record won't stand it not just now," said Mr. Vane, slowly. "My record is just as good as yours, or any man's," said the Honourable Adam. "I never run for office," answered Mr. Vane.

We will remember it at a fitting opportunity. But, pugnaciously as your loud voice summons to the strife, it will never destroy the sacred and venerable things which are worthy to endure. Thanks to the foundation of rock which supports them, and the watchfulness of their defenders, they will stand firmer than the walls of Jericho, whose fate you doubtless wish to bestow upon them.

Nothing was following him, and the importance of his achievements grew upon him. He began to swell; his fore-legs he planted pugnaciously, he hollowed his back, and began to bark with all the puppyish ferocity that was in him.

"I feel so silly!" he giggled. Abruptly he closed his mouth and stared pugnaciously at the black-and-chrome machine. "So you think you can make me sane, huh?" The Regenerator didn't answer. "Oh, well, go ahead and try." He slipped the headband over his forehead, crossed his arms on his chest and leaned back. Nothing happened. Caswell settled himself more comfortably on the couch.

Without anything positively salient, or actively offensive, or, indeed, unjustly formidable to her neighbors, she has the effect of a seventy-four gun-ship in time of peace; for, while you assure yourself that there is no real danger, you cannot help thinking how tremendous would be her onset, if pugnaciously inclined, and how futile the effort to inflict any counter-injury.

"Say," said the boy, staring pugnaciously at our hero, "trying to pick on me, are you?" "Why," answered the astonished Frank, "I never dreamed of such a thing." "Yes, you did! Lemme alone!" "All right," returned Frank pleasantly. "Only here's an orange and a funny book I want you to enjoy," and he placed the articles in question beside the boy and stepped back to his own seat.