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Among them could be observed a sprinkling of a different sort of Saints men of more seeming intelligence, but with less moral inclinings men of corrupt thoughts and corrupt lives perhaps once gentle, but now fallen who had, no doubt, adopted this pseudo-religion in the expectation of bettering their temporal rather than spiritual condition.

San Luis Potosi has many large rich churches, misery and pseudo-religion being common joint-legacies of Spanish rule. Small chance these creatures would have of feeling at home in a place so different from their earthly surroundings as the Christian heaven. The thump of church bells, some with the voice of battered old tin pans, broke out frequently.

It is but the inexorable result of a pseudo-religion. Outward observance, worship, Sabbath-keeping, and the various forms, are engrafted in the mind; and thus, by complicating the true duties which man owes to his fellow-man, obscure or take precedence of them. The latter grow to be esteemed as only of secondary importance, and are consequently neglected." The explanation was at least ingenious.

Over and above this, Comte in the last portion of his life as if to prove his doctrine of residues and to furnish an example founded a sort of religion, a pseudo-religion, the religion of humanity. The worship of this new religion is the commemoration and veneration of the dead.

From your letter and the articles in Free Hindustan as well as from the very interesting writings of the Hindu Swami Vivekananda and others, it appears that, as is the case in our time with the ills of all nations, the reason lies in the lack of a reasonable religious teaching which by explaining the meaning of life would supply a supreme law for the guidance of conduct and would replace the more than dubious precepts of pseudo-religion and pseudo-science with the immoral conclusions deduced from them and commonly called 'civilization'.

She measured the distances every week, and when she was here a few days ago she told me she had in three days gained 4 centimetres with her left and 6 centimetres with her right eye. She had done this on her own." Kauffmant is now pursuing her work independently. Autosuggestion is not a pseudo-religion like Christian Science or "New Thought."