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Some good but careless brother, who neglected this small item of duty until he was suddenly called out of this life, was found to be not beneficial, and his widow and orphans, when most in need, were left destitute of all legal claims on the funds he had for years been aiding to accumulate." Prot. Another very serious objection to secret societies is that they set up false claims.

Advancing therefore with a tranquil demeanour, he surrendered himself at once: and the next moment an Irishman of the party, being summoned to examine his features, held up a torch to his face and solemnly pronounced the prisoner to be that Nicholas of whom they were in search. Prot. 'Tis wonderful dark!

"We did not think it fair," said Vera. "None of the other houses did." "Yes," said Agatha, "Miss Ferris's did." "Oh, she is a regular old Prot," said Paula, "almost a Dissenter, and it is not the Gospel either, only texts out of her own head." "Polly!" said Agatha. "Texts out of her own head!"

He fled first to Dôle, to "obtain from the Representative Prôt a safe-conduct, which was to save me from going to prison and thence probably to the scaffold," and which he ultimately owed to Madame Prôt, with whom he spent the evening playing duets, and who declared, "Citizen, any one who cultivates the fine arts as you do cannot betray his country!"

See Charles F. Dupuis, "Traite des Mysteres," ch. i. Pausan, Corinth, ch. 37. Clem, Prot. Eur. Bacch. See Porphyry, De Abstinentia, lii, Section 56. That Eucharistic rites were very very ancient is plain from the Totem-sacraments of savages; and to this subject we shall now turn.