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"I tell you none of these trainers ain't in it with a gentleman owner when he takes to racin'. When a man of brains takes to runnin' horses as a profesh, he's gen'rally a Jim Dandy." It was he of the wine-opening who let fall these words of wise value. "D'you mean Porter, Jim?" asked number two of the trio. "Maybe that's his name. An' he put it all over Mister Langdon this trip."

He performed a great flourish. "I ain't in the profesh, missy. I'm only chief clerk and bottle-washer round here; but " "Where is the doctor? That him reading down there? Can I ask him? I Oh! Ain't I scared!" He placed his big, cool hand over her wrist and his face had none of its smile. "I know you are, little missy. I seen it in you last night when you and and " "My my friend."

As his companion retreated swiftly, the Chevalier turned to the slave and would have passed in, but the man stopped him. "Got a pass, boss?" "No," said the Chevalier. The man looked at him keenly. "Oh, I see! one of de profesh." The Chevalier nodded haughtily.

"Talkin' o' shootin'," said Soapy, grimly deliberate, "peanuts ain't a healthy profesh around here not fer your kind, it ain't!" "Oh, I don't know," answered Ravenslee, shaking his head gently at the tomatoes, "I've heard of professions even more unhealthy." "Aw well say what?" "Well, talking of shooting yours!"

"When you began talking printing I knew you were on to the racket and understood something about the theatrical biz. Why, you're one of us. You belong to the profesh." "Oh, give us a rest with your nonsense! What are you chinning about? I am just a plain, common, every-day innkeeper." "Suppose you are. Let it go at that, and let me tell you times are advancing.

I swung the heavy doors shut, and their edges, covered with strips of rubber, sealed the car air-tight. The walls were thick. There was no way for the outside cold to get in. But the inside was just as cold as the outside. How to raise the temperature was the problem. But trust a "profesh" for that. Out of my pockets I dug up three or four newspapers.

But let me tell you, papa, since you come right out and mention it, that's where she met Albert Hamburger, if anybody should ask you, right on board the ship. Those kind don't lie round Arverne with that cheap crowd of week-end salesmen." "There she goes on my profesh again!" "That's where she met him, since you talk about such things, papa, right on the steamer." "So!" Mrs.

A gay-cat is a newcomer on The Road who is man-grown, or, at least, youth-grown. A boy on The Road, on the other hand, no matter how green he is, is never a gay-cat; he is a road-kid or a "punk," and if he travels with a "profesh," he is known possessively as a "prushun." I was never a prushun, for I did not take kindly to possession. I was first a road-kid and then a profesh.

"One more question, and you may go. You know that little boy Vic Burleigh takes care of here?" The Professor had heard of him. "Vic keeps that little boy all right. He don't complain none. S'pose you help me watch um, Profesh." Then as an afterthought, Saxon added: "Young woman livin' out north of town. Pretty woman. She don't know nothing 'bout that little boy. Now, honest, she don't.

Besides, the success of our Newport date and in the height of the season, too will be something to boast of when we get back to the Great White Way. It sounds big some style about it, and, take it from me, boys, style is everything in our profesh just now.