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Ban him, ban every fowl Bee-bird with Procne of the bloodied breast: These rifle all our Hero with the rest, Snapped on the wing and haled, a tit-bit, to the nest. But seek a green moss'd pool, with well-spring nigh; And through the turf a streamlet fleeting by."

Tereus, King of Thrace, annoyed his wife Procne so much by the very marked attention which he paid to her sister Philomela, that she lost her temper so far as to chop up her son Itylus, and present him to his papa in the form of a ragoût.

Teres, the father of Sitalces, was the first to establish the great kingdom of the Odrysians on a scale quite unknown to the rest of Thrace, a large portion of the Thracians being independent. This Teres is in no way related to Tereus who married Pandion's daughter Procne from Athens; nor indeed did they belong to the same part of Thrace.

That was her only quarrel with them. Swallows do not tell their secrets They have the weird of Procne on them all. The sun came and touched the lichens of the roof into gold. Bébée smiled at it gayly as it rose above the tops of the trees, and shone on all the little villages scattered over the plains. "Ah, dear Sun!" she cried to it. "I am going to be wise. I am going into great Rubes' country.

Now when you first came from your home in Boeotia, and performed in the Procne, and won the prize for your rendering of the Ajax Furens, composed by your namesake, there was not a man who did not know the name of Timotheus of Thebes; and in these days you have only to show yourself, and people flock together as birds do at the sight of an owl in daylight.