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Fitzpatrick," said the counsel for the Crown, "will you kindly look at the prisoner?" Mrs. Fitzpatrick turned square about and let her eyes rest upon the prisoner's pale face. "I will that," said she, "an' there's many another I'd like to see in his place." "Do you know him?" "I do that. An' a finer gintleman I niver saw, savin' Yer 'Anner's prisence," bowing to the judge. "Oh, indeed!

"Bah! don't I know?" asked Uncle John, indignantly. "Well, if your knowledge is better than our hearing, I suppose you do," retorted the Major. "But to an ignorant individual like meself the impression conveyed was that you snored like a man that has forgotten his manners an' gone to sleep in the prisence of a lady."

An' whin th' young man sees this he says, 'sky, whin he means 'sky' an' not 'th' jooled canopy iv hiven, an' he says, 'Ph'lippeens, an' not 'th' gloryous isles iv th' Passyfic, an' bein' onto th' character iv his fellow-sinitors, he mintions nobody higher in their prisence thin th' steward iv th' capitol.

Dooley. "I suspict though, fr'm me knowledge iv th' kind iv man that uses firear-rms that if some wan'd had th' prisence iv mind to sing out 'They'se a man at th' bar that offers to buy dhrinks f'r th' crowd, they'd be less casu'lties fr'm bullets, though they might be enough people kilt in th' r-rush to even it up.

Ladies an' gintlemen, was ye iver invited before to the weddin' of a man of me impressive looks an' oratorical gifts, that first published his own banns, an' thin proposed, in your intelligent an' sympathetic prisence, to a lady of exalted ancesthry an' pre-eminent fame? Ye was not? Ye have now that unparallelled experience.

I see before me many a rosy girrl a-chewin' cocoanut candy that ain't so swate as herself, an' many a boy wid his pockets full of paynuts an' his head full of divelthries. "Is it the prisence of such an aujunce which gives me the pleasure unequalled in me mimory? No! "Ye see before ye 'The Flannagan an' Imparial Itinerant Exhibition," he says.

"Savin' your Honor's prisence," said Terence, "he's afeard your Honor will be sending him on the boat. Sure, he wants to go swimmin' with the rest of us." Colonel Clark frowned, bit his lip, and Terence seized his gun and stood to attention. "It were right to leave you in Kaskaskia," said the Colonel; "the water will be over your head."

"Arrah! ye blasted Kerryonian!" replied the handsome fellow, depositing the coop on the curb and straightening his tall, slender figure; "I were jist thinkin' of yez and the ducks, and here ye come quackin' into the prisence of r'yalty, wid yer canvas- back suit upon ye and the schwim-skins bechuxt yer toes! How air yez, anyhow and air we startin' for the Kankakee by the nixt post?"

"As you please," replied Roswell; "you and Jeff may settle that between you." "And ther's nothing to sittle, as me mither used to obsarve whin she looked into the impty coffee-pot; Jiff won't pretind that he knows anything of this country so long as he is in the prisence of mesilf."

"Savin' your Honor's prisence," said Terence, "he's afeard your Honor will be sending him on the boat. Sure, he wants to go swimmin' with the rest of us." Colonel Clark frowned, bit his lip, and Terence seized his gun and stood to attention. "It were right to leave you in Kaskaskia," said the Colonel; "the water will be over your head."