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It is enough to make one burst with laughing, and, if I had not my cabbages to plant, I would go myself now and again and entertain myself at these masquerades which are as good as the theatres at the fair, and to complete the resemblance, it only costs a couple of sous. But the principal person of the troop attracts the looks, and the danger is there. Your priestling is young then? And vigorous.

I have so high a veneration, or rather idolatrization, for the clerical character, that even a little futurum esse priestling, with his penna pennae, throws an awe over my mind in his presence, and shortens my sentences into single ideas. Farewell, and believe me to be ever, my dear Sir, yours, LVIII. To MR. ROBERT MUIR, KILMARNOCK. STIRLING, 26th August 1787.

For that insult I will repay thee one day with interest, O priest! Now, show the way!" "But how shall I be sure about my son?" "Be sure that the priestling will starve to death or die of thirst or choke, unless I hurry! He is none too easy where he lies!" "Go! Hurry, then!" swore the priest. "May all the gods there are, and thy Allah with them, afflict thee with all their curses thee and thine!

Everything which touches it catches it. Those who associate with hypocrites become hypocrites, and then scoundrels, slowly but surely by infection. That is the logic of the scab. It is not necessary to dress up in a black gown and to swallow God in public to make a perfect priestling, it is enough to rub against the priest's cap.

He has dared to dispute Madame de la Meilleraie with me. Can you conceive it? He dispute with me! A petty priestling, who has no other merit than a little lively small-talk and a cavalier air. Fortunately, the husband himself took care to get rid of him."

I assured them lightly none had passed save the fishers to their boats, and they seemed satisfied, till one, looking more keenly than the rest, came near to me, and, with a suspicious gesture, cried out "And thou hast not got them hidden up thy wide sleeve, good priestling? Come, we will search with a good will thy parsonage." My heart leapt again.

"By listening to the priests' talk while I lay in wait to snare the priestling. Nothing is known as yet as to what the guns or garrison at Doonha do, but it is known that they of Jundhra will march on Hanadra here. They search now for their High Priest, being minded to march out of here and set an ambush on the road." "They have time. From Jundhra to here is a long march!

"I go," replied the other, pale and trembling with rage. "But beware, little priestling, how you cross MY path! If ever you dare intrude yourself upon my sight, I will crush your diminutive carcass as an elephant does a crawling worm!" He went, followed by him who had claimed him as a brother, and accompanied by four guardsmen, who rode at some distance behind their prisoners.

There are steps then ten steps downward to the stone floor where the priestling lies." "Good! I can find him. Now pick up the heavenborn yonder in those great arms of thine, and bear her gently! Gently, I said! So! Have a care, now, that she is not injured against the corners. My honor, aye, my honor and yours and all our duty to the Raj you bear and and have a care of the corners?"

The priest's face had blanched beneath the olive of his skin, and he stared at Mahommed Khan through distended eyes. "My son!" he muttered. "Aye! Thy priestling! He stays where he is, as hostage, until my return! Also the heavenborn stays here!