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He came on at good pace, wrapped in a short fur coat, and I noticed that he did not ride altogether like the prairie-born. When he dismounted I led his horse into the stable before I ushered him into the room. The meal was almost ready, and we expected him to join us as a matter of course.

Even a prairie-born woman, however, understands the art and use of grooming better than a man. Warm water quickly heated at the gas, with a little acetic acid in it, used generally for her scouring, and then cold water with oatmeal flour, took away in part the dulness and the lines in the flesh. But the eyes!

It was summer now, and they were back in Virginia, touring the Eastern Shore. Carl, the prairie-born, had been within five miles of the open Atlantic, though he had not seen it. Along the endless flat potato-fields, broken by pine-groves under whose sultry shadow negro cabins sweltered, the heat clung persistently. The show-tent was always filled with a stale scent of people.

Pierre looked at him musingly. "When Throng is put to By-by what will you do?" he asked. "I will marry her, if she'll have me." "But she is prairie-born, and you!" "I'm a prairie-rider." After a moment Pierre said, as if to himself: "So quiet and clean, and the print calico and muslin, and the ivory brush!"

Even a prairie-born woman, however, understands the art and use of grooming better than a man. Warm water quickly heated at the gas, with a little acetic acid in it, used generally for her scouring, and then cold water with oatmeal flour, took away in part the dulness and the lines in the flesh. But the eyes!

"But she is prairie-born, and you!" "I'm a prairie-rider." After a moment Pierre said, as if to himself: "So quiet and clean, and the print calico and muslin, and the ivory brush!" It is hard to say whether he was merely working on Halby that he be true to the girl, or was himself softhearted for the moment.

"He can't, just because of that same," broke in the prairie-born. "I'm sick of this talking religion, but you'll see it written plain on furrow and stock that when the Almighty gives the good soil freely He expects something back, and not a stinting of dumb beasts and land to roll up money in the bank.