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Empiricism sticks to the external senses. Pragmatism is willing to take anything, to follow either logic or the senses, and to count the humblest and most personal experiences. She will count mystical experiences if they have practical consequences. She will take a God who lives in the very dirt of private fact-if that should seem a likely place to find him.

The essence of latter-day realism and pragmatism, its courageous determination to tear away a veil of which she had always been dimly aware, to look the facts of human nature in the face, refreshed her: an increasing portion of it she understood; and she was constantly under the spell of the excitement that partially grasps, that hovers on the verge of inspiring discoveries.

"Plain truth," she replied, "is only that manner of dealing with a thing with some wrong, say which makes it plain to people that the wrong exists. Short of that you haven't got truth into them." "Now you are preaching pragmatism," said Max.

Whoso tells us of the one, it is then supposed, must also be telling us of the other; and a true idea must in a manner BE, or at least YIELD without extraneous aid, the reality it cognitively is possessed of. To this absolute-idealistic demand pragmatism simply opposes its non possumus.

The New Morality Life is a process of expansion, of the unfoldment of new powers; driven by that inner impulse which the philosophers of Pragmatism call the elan vital. Whenever this impulse has its way, there is an emotion of joy; whenever it is balked, there is one of distress.

William James is an advocate of theism; pragmatism adds one to the evidences of religion; that is excellent. But is not the cool abstract piety of the genteel getting more than it asks for?

Positivism inducted us into an age of rationalism that is to say, of materialism, mechanism, or mortalism; and behold now the return of vitalism, of spiritualism. What was the effort of pragmatism but an effort to restore faith in the human finality of the universe?

It may be, however, that concreteness as radical as ours is not so obvious. The whole originality of pragmatism, the whole point in it, is its use of the concrete way of seeing. It begins with concreteness, and returns and ends with it. Dr.

I warn the reader against the seductive title, and advise him not to allow it to influence him unduly in his judgment of the doctrine. PRAGMATISM. It seems right that I should, before closing this chapter, say a few words about Pragmatism, which has been so much discussed in the last few years. In 1878 Mr.

Pratt's words, that in so far forth the object is AS we think it, and that the idea, verified thus in so far forth, is true enough. Mr. Pratt will undoubtedly accept most of these facts, but he will deny that they spell pragmatism.