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"Fanny," I said, "being the only invalid of this party, I feel a good deal nervous about these apparitions. They are usually regarded, I believe, as portentious.

Appalled and terrified, the white men cast a cheerless gaze on the hordes around them. A nod from the chiefs might be the onset of destruction. At this portentious moment, Farmer's Brother interposed.

It's the other fellers' womenfolks that've cause to worry. Let them stay up and walk the floor." As the boys walked down to the jail they saw in the darkness squads of men moving around in a portentious way. At the jail were the Sheriff, wearing an anxious look, two or three citizens, and several soldiers, some with their arms in slings, others on crutches.

"Perhaps you are likewise ignorant of the identity of the two people who masqueraded as Tweedle-dee and Jack o' Lantern?" "They were my brother and his friend Archie," was the prompt reply. "Ah! Then you will admit something of this intrigue." "If it can be called by so portentious a name," answered Beverly smiling. That smile acted like a match to gunpowder.

And the patient, portentious interest Goethe compels us to take in the laying out of gardens and the beautifying of church-yards! "The Captain," "the Architect" not to speak of the two bewildering women do they not suggest fantastic figures out of one's memories of remotest childhood?

Round his neck Harry wound a thick shawl of such portentious dimensions that it entirely enveloped the neck and lower part of the face; thus the entire head was, as it were, eclipsed the eyes, the nose, and the cheek-bones alone being visible. He then threw on a coat made of deer-skin, so prepared that it bore a slight resemblance to excessively coarse chamois leather.

Even as she strove to assure Miss Arnold, for the twentieth time, that a military arrest was far more portentious in sound than in effect, something in Kate's determined silence and Miriam's insistence added to the effect of these rumors. Could it be that the boy had confided to the daughter, hitherto his stanch friend and ally, that which he dare not confide to her, his captain's wife?

Steve and Tom, with the parting benediction of a portentious wink from Danny Moore, joined the thirty-odd candidates of many ages and sizes who, formed in two rings, were passing footballs under the stern and frowning regard of Eric Sawyer. They edged their way into one of the circles and were soon earnestly catching and tossing with the rest.

All these grievances, and many others which were constantly accumulating, tended to form that dark and portentious cloud which, as I observed in a former chapter, was slowly gathering over the tranquil province of New Netherlands.

"She's trying to frighten you, mother" Sis said. "There isn't anybody. Don't let her fool you." "Oh, isn't there?" I said in a dark and portentious manner. Mother gave me a long look, and went out. I heard her go into father's dressing-room. But Sis sat on my bed and watched me. "Who is it, Bab?" she asked. "The dancing teacher? Or your riding master? Or the school plumber?" "Guess again."