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"Not havin' been to paradise, dear, I can't exactly say," returned her matter-of-fact sire. "Oh, I say, ain't it splendatious!" said Tolly Trevor, coming up at the moment, and expressing Betty's idea in somewhat different phraseology; "just look at the lake like a lookin'-glass, with every wigwam pictur'd upside down, so clear that a feller can't well say which is which.

Dress'd in robes of gorgeous hue Brown and gold with crimson blent, The forest to the waters blue Its own enchanting tints has lent. In their dark depths, life-like glowing, We see a second forest growing, Each pictur'd leaf and branch bestowing A fairy grace on that twin wood, Mirror'd within the crystal flood.

On this monument, which is ornamented with a mask, a laurel wreath, a palette, pencils, and a book, inscribed, "Analysis of Beauty," are the following lines, by his friend and contemporary, the late David Garrick: "Farewell, great painter of mankind, Who reached the noblest point of art, Whose pictur'd morals charm the mind, And through the eye correct the heart!

What tho' the skeptic's scorn hath dared to soil The record of their fame! What tho' the men Of worldly minds have dared to stigmatize The sister-cause Religion and the Law With Superstition's name! Yet, yet their deeds, Their constancy in torture and in death These on Tradition's tongue shall live; these shall On History's honest page be pictur'd bright To latest time."

Who reach'd the noblest point of Art, Whose pictur'd morals charm the mind, And through the eye, correct the heart. If Genius fire thee, reader, stay; If Nature touch thee, drop a tear; If neither move thee, turn away, For Hogarth's honour'd dust lies here." He never attained wealth or great reputation, although after his return from studying in Italy he was made a member of the Royal Academy.

Eternal sunshine in the storms of life! How richly were my noon-tide trances hung, With gorgeous tapestries of pictur'd joys! Till at deaths' toll, Starting I woke, and found myself undone. Many of the fabulous stories of ghosts or apparitions have originated unquestionably in dreams. There are times of slumber when we are sensible of being asleep.

Let me walk where the soft-rising wave, Has pictur'd the moon on its breast; Let me walk where the new cover'd grave Allows the pale lover to rest! When shall I in its peaceable womb, Be laid with my sorrows asleep? Should LAVINIA but chance on my tomb I could die if I thought she would weep.

Barney, too, was smitten with an intense desire to visit the diamond mines, which he fancied must be the most brilliant and beautiful sight in the whole world; and when Martin asked him what sort of place he expected to see, he used to say that he "pictur'd in his mind a great many deep and lofty caverns, windin' in an' out an' round about, with the sides and the floors and the ceilin's all of a blaze with glittering di'monds, an' top'zes, an' purls, an' what not; with Naiggurs be the dozen picking them up in handfuls.

Upon this, both sides drew up their ranks, when the pilot perceiving how commical a war it was, with much ado was perswaded to let Tryphoena dispatch an herald to capitulate: Articles immediately according to the custom of countries being mutually agreed off on both sides; Tryphoena snatcht an olive-branch, the ensign of peace, that stuck to the image of prosperity pictur'd in the ship, and holding it in the midst of us, thus addrest her self.

"Were your great predecessor yet on earth, He'd be the first to speak your page's worth, There all the foibles of the fair you trace; There do you shew your sex's truest grace; There are the various wiles of man display'd, In gentle warnings to the cred'lous maid; Politely pictur'd, wrote with strength and ease, And while the wand'rer you reclaim, you please.... Women, the heart of women best can reach; While men from maxims you from practice teach."