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The Greeks and Hittites after the sacrilege vanished in the reeds, to sail toward the sea afterward. To prevent pursuit they sank the boat which had borne the priestess. Pi-Bast was as excited as a beehive. People talked of nothing else. They even guessed who did the deed. Some suspected Sargon, who had offered Kama the title of wife if she would leave the temple and remove to Nineveh.

"Dagon is in Pi-Bast, but he spends whole days with other Phoenician merchants in the temple of Astarte in prayer and penance." "Why such devotion? Is it because that I was in a temple that my banker thinks he too should take counsel of the gods?" Tutmosis turned on the stool. "The Phoenicians," said he, "are alarmed; they are even crushed by the news." "About what?"

In the morning he was on the south of Pi-Bast and verified the list of provisions; an hour later he was north of the city, and discovered that a hundred and fifty men were lacking in the left regiment. In the evening he overtook the advance guard, was at the crossing of an arm of the Nile, and passed in review two hundred war chariots.

In that case the people will flee and there will be need to send warriors, of whom there were many it is true, but not so many as would be needed, according to the' pharaoh's own reckoning. Moreover, Hiram had not returned from Pi-Bast yet with letters proving the treason of Mefres and Herhor.

After this terrible oath, which Hiram began, and the second half of which all shouted forth in voices trembling from rage, the three panting Phoenicians rested. After that Rabsun conducted them to a feast where with wine, music, and dancers they forgot for a time the work awaiting them. Not far from the city of Pi-Bast stood the temple of the goddess Hator.

"And all this is going on in Pi-Bast here under our eyes, and I do not know of it?" "A priestly secret." "A secret of which all in Memphis are talking! Ha! ha! ha! In the amphitheatre I saw a Chaldean suspended in the air." "I saw him too; but that was a trick, while Mefres wishes to be borne above the earth really on the wings of his devotion." "Unheard-of buffoonery!

"And I will not withdraw my favor from thee, and Thou wilt be happy," said Ramses, in conclusion. Among the inhabitants of Pi-Bast alarming news had begun to circulate concerning the Libyans.

"Our troops have not assembled yet," objected Tutmosis. "And we have not Herhor's letters to Assyria," added the chief scribe. "Never mind!" answered the pharaoh. "Proclaim tomorrow that Herhor and Mefres are traitors, and we will show the nomarchs and priests the proofs three days later when Hiram returns from Pi-Bast to us."

"Say, rather, my son, that it comes of the godlessness and extortion of Phoenicians," interrupted Queen Niort's. "For three days the chief of police from Pi-Bast is in Memphis with two assistants, and they are on the trail of the murderer and deceiver Lykon." "Who was hidden in Phoenician temples!" cried Niort's.

His feelings he explained as follows: "O Kama, why sit in Pi-Bast and grow thin here? While young, the service of Astaroth may please thee; but when old, a wretched fate will present itself. They will take thy costly robes from thee, and put a younger woman in the temple; Thou wilt earn, then, a handful of roasted barley by telling fortunes, or by nursing women in childbirth.