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"But, Cap'en," interposed Mr Macdougall, feebly, trying to ward off the storm of the skipper's wrath, "the ill favourt loon provokit me, and was mair than inseelent." "Phaugh, man!" exclaimed Captain Billings, with intense disgust. "Don't try and excuse yourself; it only makes matters much worse!

The book was one of the two volumes of "Chronicles of Crime," and she looked up with a smile. "Can't you? It's very easily explained. It is the most encouraging work in my collection. Sit down for a minute." "A record of vulgar criminals," he growled. "Their infernal last dying speeches, their processions to Tyburn phaugh!" She smiled again, and looked down at the book.

If Peter had only seen There was infinitely more poetry in that red-cheeked Mädchen, and yet I never It is true-there is something sordid about the atmosphere that subtly permeates you, that drags you down to it. Mary Ann! A transpontine drudge! whose lips are fresh from the coalman's and the butcher's. Phaugh!" The fancy seized hold of his imagination.

"They both smack of the most vulgar thing in the world money," said Lancelot, walking hotly about the room. "In America there's no other standard. To make your pile, to strike ile oh, how I shudder to hear these idioms! And can any one hear the word heiress without immediately thinking of matrimony? Phaugh! It's a prostitution." "What is? You're not very coherent, my friend."

"Phaugh!" ejaculated the master's mate, with a gesture of disgust, as he turned towards the binnacle to take the course the ship was steering, so as to lay it off on his chart and estimate the distance run and our probable position by dead reckoning. "A beastly pun like that is enough a make a fellow sick!"

I tell you there is nothing noble in conspiracies. Pertinax and Marcia have used you. They will try to use me. They will blame me. They will certainly blame you. I advise you to run to your friends in the Aventine Hills. Thence hasten out of Italy. If Pertinax should fail and Commodus survives this night " "No, Galen. He must not fail! Rome needs Pertinax. That poison phaugh!

If Peter had only seen There was infinitely more poetry in that red-cheeked Mädchen, and yet I never It is true there is something sordid about the atmosphere that subtly permeates you, that drags you down to it! Mary Ann! A transpontine drudge! whose lips are fresh from the coalman's and the butcher's. Phaugh!" The fancy seized hold of his imagination.

It was Rutford, who, followed by Lawrence, strode down the passage into No. 15, and up to the bed. "If you please, sir," said Lovell, "Scaife has had a fit." "It looks like a fit," said Rutford, gravely. "I have telephoned for the doctor. You've tried," he sniffed the air, "all the wrong remedies, of course. Feathers phaugh! perfume brandy!

"But why? They're both very good words and better things." "They both smack of the most vulgar thing in the world money," said Lancelot, walking hotly about the room. "In America there's no other standard. To make your pile, to strike ile oh, how I shudder to hear these idioms! And can any one hear the word heiress without immediately thinking of matrimony? Phaugh? It's a prostitution." "What is?