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But my rhymes are all out; for I dare not use st k; 'Twould shock Sheridan more than the loss of my Trunk!" "Muse, assist me to complain, While I grieve for Lady Jane. I ne'er was in so sad a vein, Deserted now by Lady Jane. * Lord Petre's house was built by Payne No mortal architect made Jane.

He fawned, bullied, and bribed indefatigably. Petre's help was secured by flattery. Sunderland was plied at once with promises and menaces. An immense price was offered for his support, no less than an annuity of five thousand pounds a year from Ireland, redeemable by payment of fifty thousand pounds down.

Pope's masterpiece is, perhaps, the Rape of the Lock, a mock heroic poem, a "dwarf Iliad" recounting, in five cantos, a society quarrel, which arose from Lord Petre's cutting a lock of hair from the head of Mrs. Arabella Fermor. Boileau, in his Lutrin, had treated with the same epic dignity a dispute over the placing of the reading-desk in a parish church.

Bolivar was by the Brocklesby; that's Yarborough's " That's Yarborough's! sneered his lordship, 'as if one didn't know that as well as him "by the Brocklesby; that's Yarborough's Marmion out of Petre's Matchless; and Marmion was by that undeniable hound, the " the what? asked his lordship. 'Beaufort Justice, to be sure! replied Jack.

For this he had not only been ejected from the Assembly by the Commons, and sequestered from his two livings, but also committed to custody in "the Lord Petre's house in Aldersgate Street," then used by Parliament as a prison for such culprits.

Then he heard his name called, and with a great effort he answered; his voice seemed not his own in his ears. He repeated Dom Anthony's words. "I cannot sign, My Lord Prior." Then he sat back with closed eyes and waited. He heard movements about him, steps, the crackle of parchment, and at last Dr. Petre's voice; but he scarcely understood what was said.

That month he employed assiduously, by Petre's advice, in what was called closeting. London was very full. It was expected that the Parliament would shortly meet for the dispatch of business; and many members were in town. The King set himself to canvass them man by man.