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I dunno how that water war set afire, nor my friends nuther," he said stiffly. "Whar air they?" Nick Peters's keen, discerning eye had been covertly scanning the flickering shadows and the fluctuating slants of yellow light about them. Now he boldly threw his glance over his shoulder. Persimmon Sneed caught himself sharply. "They ain't hyar-abouts," he said gruffly, on his guard once more.

There were more on one side than the other, and to the weakest side Tony ran, succeeding, with Peters's help, in extricating the struggling Gleeson while yet the mob meted out severe punishment on one another. By the time that they had separated and Palmer Billy had picked himself up, the four were grouped round the ruins of the deserted camp, each with a revolver in his hand.

When she heard Peters's voice accosting her all her old repugnance resurged. It flashed upon her that this man Roxdal's boon companion must know far more than he had told to the police. She remembered how Everard had spoken of him, with what affection and confidence! Was it likely he was utterly ignorant of Everard's movements? Mastering her repugnance, she held out her hand.

"You forget that constant association with you demands that I should frequently plug my two ears," retorted Winter. Furneaux would surely have thrown back the jest had not a knock on the door interrupted him. "Who's there? I'm busy," cried Winter. "Me-ow!" whined Peters's voice. "Oh, it's you, Tom. Come in!" The journalist crept in on tiptoe. "Hush! We are not observed," he said.

The mutability of the affairs of the most immutable of human beings! This reflection was cut short by observing the stare of blank amazement on Nick Peters's face. "Road!" he said. "Thar ain't no road." "They air app'inted ter lay out an' report on openin' one," explained Persimmon Sneed.

This was done, but during the twelve years which have since elapsed, nothing more has been heard of the work. No one, so far as I know, ever heard of Peters's making any allusion to Mr. Knobel or any other collaborator. He seems to have always spoken of the work as exclusively his own.

The first plan that occurred to the vicar was to send for the child, and take charge of him himself; but this was negatived, not only by Peters's letter, but also by old Adams, who stated his determination to retain the child until claimed by legal authority.

And you're 'most always sure to find that not half the work's been done. Well, I can get daddy some sort of a dinner myself tonight." "What are you going to cook? Let me help," said Amy eagerly. "I know how to make lovely rolls only you have to set the sponge the night before. And Judge Peters's pudding is just luscious! Only you have to have currants and citron and chopped nuts to go into it."

To his landlady, worthy Mrs. Seacon, Tom Peters's profession was a little vague, but everybody knew that Roxdal was the manager of the City and Suburban Bank, and it puzzled her to think why a bank manager should live with such a seedy-looking person, who smoked clay pipes and sipped whiskey and water all the evening when he was at home.

Peters's eyes had traveled to the closet, bereft of its door. "Are you the young lady," he demanded gruffly, "who asked me to have that door taken off its hinges?" "No," said Patty; "I think that must have been my room-mate.