United States or Samoa ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Who are you," he perorated, "and what am I, that I should put my neck into the rope at your bidding?" "I am Uri Bram," the other said simply, "and my shack is over there on the edge of camp.

It was a national enterprise; the high town, low town, the quays bathed by the waters of the Patapsco, the ships, imprisoned in their docks, overflowed with crowds intoxicated with joy, gin, and whisky; everybody talked, argued, perorated, disputed, approved, and applauded, from the gentleman comfortably stretched on the bar-room couch before his glass of "sherry-cobbler" to the waterman who got drunk upon "knock-me-down" in the dark taverns of Fell's Point.

And as Durtal, who appeared to doubt the apparitions sworn to by this Englishman, declared that no theory could explain them, Gévingey perorated, "Permit me, messieurs. We have the choice between two diverse, and I venture to say, very clear-cut doctrines.

Provided with passports by both sides, I went in and out of the city and witnessed the fighting at Asnieres and elsewhere. I attended the clubs held in the churches, when women often perorated from the pulpits.

As they seated themselves at table Brahms, who had been in a brown study, suddenly proffered the company an extemporaneous criticism of Ivan's music, which he tore into miscroscopic bits, and flung upon the winds of sarcasm; after which he perorated elaborately upon his own power and the perfect academic accuracy of his style. When he had reached his final period, the silence was awe-inspiring.

And so, "Wait just a moment, please," he said, "I want to harrow up your soul and freeze your blood." Wherewith he suavely told her everything about Paul Vanderhoffen's origin and the alternatives now offered him, and she listened without comment. "Ai! ai!" young Vanderhoffen perorated; "the situation is complete. I have not the least desire to be Grand-Duke of Saxe-Kesselberg.

He still perorated, still posed like a shop-walker, still behaved like a puppet, with its pulling strings in plainest evidence. It was a mercilessly hot afternoon. All over the mountains the tourists were asking themselves in bitterness of spirit why they had left their comfortable homes in the city to subject themselves to weather like this.

"Now, boys," Bill perorated, "before I retire to the shades of private life, I motion we give Three Cheers regular Toplifters for Richard Wade!" "Hurrah! Wade and Good Government!" "Hurrah! Wade and Prosperity!" "Hurrah! Wade and the Women's Tears Dry!" Cheers like the shout of Achilles! Wielding sledges is good for the bellows, it appears. Toplifters!

He perorated, he posed like a shop-walker, you could see him hanging limp like a broken puppet, and me behind with beads on my forehead uselessly jerking the wires." "Poor old boy!" said Kate sympathetically. "Oh, he'll do it beautifully when once you're on the mountains. Now I look at you I can see you really are run down.

Mortimer stood erect, in a declamatory attitude, with his back to the exiguous fire. In the pauses of his delivery, failing to draw response from Sam, he glanced down at his wife for approval. But she too, seated on a low stool, made pretence to be absorbed in her knitting; and her upward look, when her lord compelled it, expressed deep sympathy rather than assent. "Consequently," perorated Mr.