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Cujus latus perforatum Undam fluxit cum sanguinae; Esto nobis praegustatum Mortis in examinae." And when they had left off singing, he entered at the doorway, and passed between the silent rows of monks and priests, where they knelt, each man in his place, with the lighted candles uplifted.

The numbers of stamens, or of carpels are dependent on nutrition, but their fluctuation is not known to have any attraction for the visiting insects. If the deviations become greater, they might even become detrimental. The flowers of the St. Johnswort, or Hypericum perforatum, usually have five petals, but the number varies from three to eight or more.

HERNIARIA glabra. RUPTUREWORT. The Leaves. It is a very mild restringent, and may, in some degree, be serviceable in disorders proceeding from a weak flaccid state of the viscera: the virtue which it has been most celebrated for, it has little title to, that of curing hernias. HYPERICUM perforatum. ST. JOHN'S WORT. The Leaves and Flowers. Its taste is rough and bitterish; the smell disagreeable.

HOP. The strobiles are used for dyeing; but although they yield a yellow colour, the principal use is as a mordant. HYPERICUM perforatum. PERFORATED ST. JOHN'S WORT. The flowers dye a fine yellow. IRIS germanica. GERMAN IRIS. The juice of the corolla treated with alum makes a good permanent green ink. ISATIS tinctoria.