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Updated: August 29, 2024

Altamont pawsed for a minnit, and then flung the door wide open; nex he seized Miss Betsy as if his hand were a vice, and he world her out of the room; then up he goes to Mrs. S. "Get up," says he, thundering loud, "you lazy, trolloping, mischsef-making, lying old fool! Get up, and get out of this house. You have been the cuss and bain of my happyniss since you entered it.

I saw that any further effort to prevent their going would only add strength to their suspicions and therefore said no more. after the hunters had been gone about an hour we set out. we had just passed through the narrows when we saw one of the spies comeing up the level plain under whip, the chief pawsed a little and seemed somewhat concerned.

Miss Cathy's riven th' back off 'Th' Helmet o' Salvation, un' Heathcliff's pawsed his fit into t' first part o' 'T' Brooad Way to Destruction! It's fair flaysome that ye let 'em go on this gait. Ech! th' owd man wad ha' laced 'em properly but he's goan!"

I felt a sentymental mood so gently ore me stealin, and I pawsed before Betsy's window, and sung, in a kind of op'ratic vois, as follers, impromtoo, to wit: Wake, Bessy, wake, My sweet galoot! Rise up, fair lady, While I touch my lute! The winder I regret to say that the winder went up with a vi'lent crash, and a form robed in spotless white exclaimed, "Cum into the house, you old fool.

'Well, said the policeman, 'she's pawsed 'er law examination! As some of the rowdiest boys, naturally surprised at this interjection, looked round, he rubbed it in. 'Did better than the men, he assured them. Was it possible that this dread myrmidon of the law was vaunting the prowess of the small rebel? Miss Levering moved nearer. 'Is that so? Did I understand you

"Middlin," sez I, not wishin to kommit myself, tho he peered to be as fine a man as there was in the wurld "It is a middlin fine day, Square," I obsarved. Sez he, "How fares the Ship of State in yure regine of country?" Sez I, "We don't hav no ships in our State the kanawl is our best holt." He pawsed a minit and then sed, "Air yu aware, Sir, that the krisis is with us?"

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