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I do not know!" he ended wearily and sadly. "Therefore I am an outcast among my people; I cannot return to them. I have no proof that the Black Phantom is dead or that I did not fire the arrow at some picture of my reeling brain." The leader of the Patocos turned to some of his young hunters. "Go! Search the forest and the riverbank," he commanded. "Let nothing escape your eyes.

Agoo reached the village of the Patocos after a week's rapid journey through the forest. He had been sent by the Cantanas to look for Oomah. The twigs snapped from the undergrowth by the hunter as he walked along guided him unfailingly to the last camping site and from there a beaten trail led to the village. And Agoo was promptly made prisoner by the fierce enemies of the Cantanas.

"No, the stranger is not dead not quite dead." "You are mine. I will take you to the village; it is less than half a rest away. I will feed you and cure you of the fever. You are mine." Oomah looked again at his discoverer, and closed his eyes. "I know you," he said feebly. "You are of the Patocos who have eaten many of my people." "Yes, I am of the Patocos and we have eaten many of the Cantanas.

"Nechi, who found me dying and whose medicine drove away the fever. And send one of your hunters also to select a wife from among the Cantanas. It is my wish that there be blood relationship between us. Then there will be peace between the Patocos and Cantanas. No more fighting, no more killing. I speak as headman of my people."

But there it is so that all may see yet none may reach except only the loathsome vultures." That night there was a feast in the Patocos' village. Turtles had been brought from the corrals and the women made fresh cassava bread.

"Speak, Agoo, are these tidings true?" Oomah asked. "There is even more. Scarcely had Choflo died than a blanket of dark clouds rolled across the heavens and rain fell throughout the night. Tumwah had been appeased. We are saved. The earth is saved. And you, Oomah, shall be rewarded and honored above all men." The Patocos stood about in a spell-bound group.