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It is therefore not to be regarded as merely a difference in subjective opinion when it is asserted on the one hand "Vox populi, vox dei"; "Che'l Volgare ignorante ogn' un riprenda E parli piü di quel che meno intenda." Both sides co-exist in public opinion. Since truth and endless error are so directly united in it, neither one nor the other side is truly in earnest.

"Has referred him to you, of course," replied Lady Margaret. "Meaning it?" "What else? Why not? Is he not a bon parli?" "Then papa did not mean it?" "I do not understand you," elaborated the mother, with a mingled yawn, which she was far from attempting to suppress, seeing she simulated it. "If Mr. Redmain is such a good match in papa's eyes," explained Hesper, "why does papa refer him to me?"

The girl's heart is as pure as a stainless lily; she never heard of 'a grand match' or a 'good parli. If Tennyson's Dora was like her, I do not wonder at anything that happened."

In both poems, too, Adam warns his spouse of her frailty, and in the episode of Eve's meeting with the serpent there are no less than four verbal coincidences. O che sento, tu parli? His turret crest and sleek enamelled neck . . . What may this mean? Language of man pronounced By tongue of brute?