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If he steps into one, he will go over his depth, and that will make it bad for you and Dot; I think I had better carry her over with me." "Oogh! Red Feather know holes, 'cause he fall in 'em mebbe you fall in wid pappoose how den, eh?"

"That is very kind, but I can relieve you of your burden." "Me carry pappoose," replied the Sioux, moving toward the little one. "Dot," said her brother, "which would you rather do ride on Saladin with me or let Red Feather carry you?" "It's a good deal nicer to have him carry me; take me, Red Feather," she added, reaching out her arms.

"Jump out, daughter," he said to Pappoose, and Loomis assisted her to alight and led her straight up to Dean, and for the first time in those two years the ex-cadet captain and the whilom little schoolgirl with the heavy braids of hair looked into each other's eyes, and in Dean's there was amaze and at least momentary delight.

Robert was alert for a new story, though his interest was now mingled with a sense of fear. "The squaw of the sachem Squando," continued the caller, "was crossing the river in a canoe with her pappoose, when two sailors upset the craft just for the sport of it. The child sank, but the mother dived to the bottom and brought it up alive.

He put his hand before one of my ear, and he put his mout' to tudder. Keep whisper, whisper, day and night, nebber stop whisper. Tell me to kill pale- face, wherever I find him. Bess to kill him. If didn't kill pale- face, pale-face kill Injin. No help for it. Kill ole man, kill young man; kill squaws, pappoose and all. Smash eggs and break up 'e nest.

'Run fifteen mile, says John Tom 'Ugh! Catch white man. Bring pappoose. "The little woman is in extremities of gladness. She must wake up that stir-up trouble youngster and hug him and make proclamation that he is his mamma's own precious treasure. I was about to ask questions, but I looked at Mr. Little Bear, and my eye caught the sight of something in his belt.

We entered the baptistery, and found the interior small, but very rich in its clustered columns and intersecting arches, and its frescos, pictures, statues, and ornaments. Moreover, a father and mother had brought their baby to be baptized, and the poor little thing, in its gay swaddling-clothes, looked just like what I have seen in old pictures, and a good deal like an Indian pappoose.

Now he held his newspaper where it would partly shield his face, yet permit his watching the officers across the aisle. And something in his stealthy scrutiny attracted Pappoose. "Yes," continued the major, "I have seen a great deal of that country, and Mr. Dean, of whom you spoke, was attached to the troop escorting our commission. He is hardly I regret to have to say it er what you imagine.

The prefatory scraping of the coals together caused a sudden babbling of pleasure to issue from the wall, where, suspended on a projection of rock, was one of the curious upright cradles of the people, from which a pappoose, stiff and perpendicular, gazed down at the culinary preparations, evidently in the habit of participating to a limited extent in the result, having attained some ten months of age.

The woman whose head was muffled had only to repeat her sobs anew; she could not sorrow more! But the pappoose in its primitive cradle on the wall babbled out its simple pleasure, and now and again the tearful little mother must needs lift smiling eyes. The great ada-wehi looked out at the night. On the whole he was glad he was dead! He took no bite, nor did Digatiski.