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And you, madam, going wearily through your steps, are the Joy of Life. Your hoarse voice, singing indecipherable words about dearie and honey and my jazz baby, your sagging shoulders layered with powder and jerking to the music, the rigid, lifeless grin of your cruelly painted lips these things and the torn, smeared papier-mache ballroom interior these are the Joy of Life.

Roger did not interest himself in these things, in the wasps that left the gate as he approached they were making papier-mache from the wood of the top bar, in the bright poppies brushing against his drab unpolished boots, in the hue of the wheat or the white convolvulus; they were nothing to him. Why should they be?

Either carry off Madame de Vandenesse, or show yourself a gentleman. As it is, you are playing the lover in one of your own books." Nathan listened with his head lowered; he was like a lion caught in a toil. "I'll never set foot in this house again," he cried. "That papier-mache marquise sells her tea too dear. She thinks me amusing!

After a short experience of Kashmiri pertinacity and business methods, you cease from politeness and curtly threaten the river. Certainly the Kashmiri are exceedingly clever and excellent workers in many ways. Their wood-carving, almost always executed in rich brown walnut, is excellent; and their old papier-mâché lacquer is very good.

Her eyes fell upon crimson velvet curtains that swept in massive folds from ceiling to floor; upon rare full-length pictures that filled up the recesses between the gorgeously draped windows; broad crystal mirrors above the marble mantel-shelves; marble statuettes wherever there was a corner to hold one; soft crimson velvet sofas, chairs, ottomans and stools; inlaid tables; papier-mache stands; and all the thousand miscellaneous vanities of a modern drawing-room.

She stooped once more to pick up something which had fallen out when the cover was jarred open. It was a pink papier-mâché angel, such as are often hung from the top of Christmas trees as a crowning symbol. Norah stood holding it between thumb and finger, staring amazedly. Who would think to find such a bit of frivolity in the house of Miss Terry!

No one could deny that it was, mouse cooked mouse; and Newbegin had ordered kidney stew. Then Tutt had had his inspiration. "You shall pay well for this!" he cried, frowning at the distressed proprietor, while Newbegin leaned piteously against a pâpier-maché pillar. "This is an outrage! You shall be held liable in heavy damages for my client's indigestion!"

Bending to a trunk near her chair, she unlocked it, and taking out a papier-maché box, opened it with a small key that hung from her watch chain, and placed it on the table before her, where she had thrown the unread letters.

They found themselves confronting, in the midst of the attendants, an olive man with no angles, whose face, in spite of its health and even wealth of contour, was ridiculously grave, as if the papier-mâché man in the down-town window should have had a sudden serious thought just before his papier-mâché incarnation.

Petersburg. "Now," said Arnold, "we can go outside without any fear of being blown off into space." They went out and walked forward to the bow. Arrived there they found two of the men, each with a curious-looking shell in his arms. The projectiles were about two feet long and six inches in diameter, and were, as Arnold told Colston, constructed of papier-maché.