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See also the able memoir: Del Miasma vegetale e delle Malattis Miasmatiche of Dr D. Pantaleoni in Lo Sperimentale, vol. xxii., 1870.

The first was Dr. Pantaleoni, who had formerly been banished from the Papal States and who left the country as a radical politician, but now held almost conservative views. He had just come back, and complained bitterly of all the licentiousness. "Alas!" he said, "we have freedom enough now, but order, order!"

Pantaleoni was a little, eager, animated man of fifty, very much occupied, a politician and doctor, and he promised to introduce me to all the scholars whose interests I shared. As I felt scruples at taking up these gentlemen's time, he exclaimed wittily: "My dear fellow, take up their time! To take his time is the greatest service you can render to a Roman; he never knows what to do to kill it!"

"Othello," the last of the long and brilliant series of Verdi's operas, was completed in 1886, and first produced at the La Scala Theatre, Milan, Feb. 5, 1887, with remarkable success, Signora Pantaleoni, Signors Maurel and Tamagno taking the three leading rôles.

The next man I went to was Prince Odescalchi, one of the men who had then recently risen to the surface, officially termed the hero of the Young Liberals. Pantaleoni had dubbed him a blockhead, and he had not lied.

Among the most recent of these are: Relazione sulle condizioni agrarie ed igieniche della Campagna di Roma, per Raffaele Pareto; Cenni Storici sulla questione dell' Agro Romano di G. Guerzoni; Cenni sulle condizioni Fisico-economiche di Roma per F. Giordano; and a very important paper in the journal Lo Sperimentale for 1870, by Dr. D. Pantaleoni.