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Some of the old men of the cluster came over to the dwellings of the Turquoise clan, where the wife of Teanyi lived. In their company came several women, who escorted Shotaye to her new quarters. On the way to the caves of P'ho doa one of the women lightly touched Shotaye's breast, then her own, and whispered, "Oyike P'ho." It was her name, and Shotaye communicated her own in reply.

The woman shook her head, whispering, "Nyo Shotaye, nyo Tema, 'not Shotaye, not Queres. Tehua quio." Then she grasped her hand and breathed into Shotaye's ear, "Aua P'ho Quio." Shotaye easily understood the meaning of this confidential communication. With her change of abode her name was to change also. Henceforth she was to be a Tehua woman, and Aua P'ho Quio was to be her name.

The Tano had informed the woman that Cayamo belonged to the clan of the Sun. In return she communicated that the Water people were her kindred. What the Queres called Tzitz hanutsh the Tehuas named P'ho doa, and the members of the clan P'ho were therefore officially requested to take their new sister in charge.

"Tzitz hanutsh," Zashue quickly responded. The old man turned to one of the delegates. "Father," he called to him in his language, "our sons belong to your people. Will you take them with you, or shall they go to the summer cacique?" The other reflected a short while, then he replied, "The summer cacique is busy; let the brethren come with me. I will lead them to the homes of P'ho Doa."

The old man's features remained placid. He replied in a quiet tone, but his manner was cool and measured, "I know that you believe that the Tehuas killed your maseua. I know it well; for Shotaye, who now is called Aua P'ho Quio, and who lives with Cayamo in the homes at the Puye, came to warn the Tehuas that the Queres were coming over against them. But it is not true.