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The vast bulk of the leaning tree, dislodged from its aerial support by the gradual sapping of the spring at its roots, or by the crumbling of the bark from the heat, had slipped, made a half revolution, and, falling, overbore the lesser trees in its path, and tore, in its resistless momentum, a broad opening to the underbrush. With a cry to Low, Teresa staggered to her feet.

Besides which, it cannot be denied that they viewed them as rich men, well worth plundering; and although, when it came to fighting, it is probable that hatred overbore the thought of gain, it is certain that the desire for gold was, in itself, the main incentive to those who sailed upon these expeditions. Amid the cheers of the townsfolk the boats pushed off, Mr.

And at last through all this welter, like a thing fated and altogether beyond our control, parting came to Marion and me. I hardened my heart, or I could not have gone. For at the last it came to Marion that she was parting from me for ever. That overbore all other things, had turned our last hour to anguish.

Prompt to divine their plans, he bewildered them by the audacity of his combinations, which overbore their columns with superior force at the very time when he seemed doomed to succumb. Genius so commanding had not been displayed even by Frederick or Marlborough.

Cornelius, as a Roman officer, would be tempted to feel the usual contempt for one of the subject race, and, unless his eagerness to know more of God's will overbore his pride, to kick at the idea of sending to beg the favour of the presence and instruction of a Jew, and of one, too, who could find no better quarters than a tanner's house. The angel's voice commanded, but it did not compel.

"He's not dying," began the irrepressible Blanche de Tavanne, her eyes twinkling with mischief; but whatever naughty answer was on her tongue, our mademoiselle's deeper voice overbore her: "I am guiltless of the charge, madame. It was through no wish of mine that your son, with half the guard at his back, set on one wounded man." "I'll warrant it was not," muttered Mlle. Blanche.

He felt no more the physical pain of his bruises; the anguish of his mind stifled and overbore all corporeal suffering, an anguish as great as the childish breast is capable of holding. For first and deepest of all, and earliest felt, was the burning sense of injustice.

In those Sierran altitudes, as elsewhere, the belief in original sin popularly known as "pure cussedness" dominated and overbore any consideration of passive, impelling circumstances or temptation, unless they had been actively demonstrated with a revolver. The passive expression of harshness, suspicion, distrust, and moroseness was looked upon as inherent wickedness.

It was his love that urged him on, his love that overbore his scruples, his gravest apprehensions. He told himself that he had the right which every man has. The right to woo and win for himself the love he covets. It was for Diane to say "yea" or "nay," not her father. There was no comfort she had been accustomed to, or even luxury, that he could not give her.

Was this fair to him, who desired to heap honours upon her and would stretch for them even beyond his power? His passion, rather than his arguments, overbore her. That passion rejuvenated him.