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When I learned that he was an orphan-boy and had no home, I felt a deep sympathy for him; but still, when I encountered one of those glances, I often found it very difficult to avoid laughter. I learned from my aunt that he, being left an orphan, had been put to work at a very early age; and, consequently, had had but few advantages for study and improvement.

Though she preserves her wifely attachment to a man whom she has once thought worthy of better things, her respect dies away, and at last she openly defies him when he wants her, in contravention of her plain duty, not to adopt as her son a deserted orphan-boy. At this point her character stands out in noble contrast to his.

"Too young, am I? At what age, then, may one be supposed to deserve that blessing? forty? fifty? sixty?" I feel rather offended, but cannot exactly grasp in my own mind the ground of offense. "I meant, of course, had you any father? any mother?" "Neither. I am that most affecting spectacle an orphan-boy." "You have no brothers and sisters, I am sure," say I, confidently.

Oh teach the orphan-boy to read, Or teach the orphan-girl to sew. No! no! no! not so fast, please. In spite of Nellie's name, of her face, of her attire, that little head is filled quite otherwise. It is not her fault that this is so: is it her misfortune?

It fitted in exactly with his theory that the tutor was an adventurer of "shady antecedents," and, as such, an undesirable companion for the late "dear one's" orphan-boy. "I should not feel I was doing my duty," said he to Mr Pottinger that afternoon, "if I were not to follow this up.

The wishes of the dying should be considered sacred," said the duke, as he adjusted his glass and looked at the letter, wondering who the writer could be and what claims she could possibly have on him; but feeling too kindly toward the orphan-boy to let such thought betray itself. He scrutinized the handwriting of the letter.