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So when I was married that was a long seven years afterwards I did have such lovely times buying organdies and laces and things and cutting them out and making them! That was the summer Allan was getting well." She stared off at the wall for a moment, as she knelt up against the green satin. "That was the loveliest summer I ever had excepting every one since."

Eleanor had loaned Polly one of her prettiest organdies, and had arranged her really beautiful hair becomingly. Silk stockings now encased Polly's shapely limbs, and her new low shoes looked twice as well with the sheen of silk above them. Eleanor wore a dress similar to the one Polly had on, and tried to appear as like her as possible, so that no unfair advantage should arise from appearances.

She got them from the shelf; and as he went over them she heard him repeating the names of various goods now become familiar, pongees, poplins, percales and voiles, garbardines and galateas, lawns, organdies, crepes, and Madras shirtings, while he wrote down figures on a sheet of paper.

"No, I'll come in for my board and lodging, but all the rest of the time look for me here! I'm going to have some lavender frocks made, dimities and organdies, and then I'll be part of the picture." "Oh, do! I can't wear lavender or purple," Patty sighed. "Nonsense! Of course you can. You only mean you've never tried. That bisque doll complexion of yours will stand any color.

Mrs. Fayre sighed a little as she selected Dolly's wardrobe. She dearly loved to array her pretty daughter in muslins and organdies with dainty laces and ribbons; but camp life called for stout frocks of tweed or gingham, heavy walking boots and no fripperies. "I shall put in one or two pretty dresses," Mrs. Fayre said, "in case you are invited to a party or any such affair.

The next morning the twins were late in rising only to find it a summer's day, apparently, so balmy indeed that the deck seemed to be blossoming out into a flower-bed, as group after group of ladies appeared in gay lawns and organdies, while all the Mohammedan helpers were busy stretching double awnings where there had been single ones, or none at all, and rigging up the punkahs in the saloons.

She lived in one of the fine old stone houses that crowned the lake shore near the college. At eight o'clock on a Saturday evening, Amos left Lydia at the front door of the house, and in a few minutes Lydia was taking off her hat and coat in the midst of a chattering group of girls. The pink organdy was there as well as the red silk, so were blue organdies and white, as well as dainty slippers.

The Philippine winter climate is quite different, what some one has defined as the climate of heaven, warmth without heat and coolness without cold, when men sport linen or khaki continuously, and women wear lawns and organdies throughout the season, with a light wrap added thereto at night if it chances to be becoming.

So when a bevy of organdies begged for permission to dance, Miss Towne, with obvious reluctance, gave in. From that moment, the party was an assured success. Lydia, who had stuck like a little burr at Miss Towne's side all the evening, looked on with wonder and a growing lump in her throat. "Don't you dance, my dear?" asked Mrs. Towne.

The church, Parson Tombs's, was packed. Men were not few, yet the pews and the aisles, choked with chairs from end to end, were one yeast of muslins, lawns, and organdies, while everywhere the fans pulsed and danced a hundred measures at once in fascinating confusion.